On 2008.12.31, at 9:19 PM, Kevin Windham wrote:

I upgraded WO to 5.4.3 and Wonder to the latest 5.4 version.

I fixed some import statement issues, and now it looks like I have one last project issue before I can run.

I get this error: missing required library: '/Library/Frameworks/ ERJavaMail.framework/Resources/Java/activation-1.0.2.jar'

I have in that path activation-1.1.1.jar instead of activation-1.0.2.jar. I can't figure out why it would be looking for the older version if I updated the whole framework. Is there anywhere else I should be looking, or maybe a cached build file I need to clear out. I tried clean and it didn't change anything.


kevin, i remember having a similar issue during my upgrade. i remember removing all of my WO related frameworks from my "/System" "/ User" and "/Library" directories (OS X) AND removing all frameworks from my project. after adding the proper frameworks to my OS and project i believe this issue disappeared. i believe my ERJavaMail was loading an older framework somewhere on my disk?!


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