On 07/01/2009, at 3:06 AM, Sanford Selznick wrote:

At 10:57 PM +1100 1/6/09, Lachlan Deck wrote:
When I run my app I'm getting this error:

takeValueForKey()]: attempt to assign value to unknown key: 'title'. This WOComponent does not have an instance variable of the name title or _title, nor a method of the name setTitle or _setTitle' object '' key 'title'>

The error is telling you the problem. You've not got a setter for title in the PageWrapper component. You choices are: a) do away with the carrot symbol and provide getter/setter methods in your components b) override WOComponent#synchronizesVariablesWithBindings and return false (the default is true which requires a setter/getter for each key .. or, for those less inclined to proper encapsulation, a public variable)

Thank you very much for the assistance.  It runs and works.  But...

when doing (a) I get the compile-time error:

 "'title' must be bound to a settable variable"

If it runs and works - then that's just a problem with the version of WOLips you're using. Either that or you've only got <wo:PageWrapper> and you've not bound title.

I think I'm having installation issues. I am anxiously awaiting a new combo installer. :-)

Not necessarily - WOLips aint without its warts - like any software really (especially where Eclipse is concerned) :-)

with regards,

Lachlan Deck

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