On Mar 24, 2009, at 6:47 PM, Ricardo J. Parada wrote:

Does anybody know what is the official plug-in for OpenBase? I use the OpenBaseJDBC.jar I downloaded from OpenBase months ago. And I removed the one in /Library/Java/Extensions. I noticed that when it obtains primary keys from the database it uses the select NEWID mechanism.

But I also noticed that there are some frameworks in my system for OpenBase which I believe got installed when I installed OpenBase... and so I'm wondering if I should be using one of those instead for my WO application. In particular it seems like OpenBasePKPlugin.framework could be the one.

$ ls -d /Library/Frameworks/OpenBase*

I am pretty sure those are all Obj-C frameworks.


I am not sure about that one.  See if it has Resources/Java/*.jar in it.

WO comes with an OpenBase plugin bundled.

Anwyas, maybe a question for openbase support.  :-)

That too.  :-)


Chuck Hill             Senior Consultant / VP Development

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