On May 8, 2009, at 11:46 AM, Ricardo J. Parada wrote:

This would require my app to be Wonder-based right?

Unfortunately, this app is not Wonder-based yet. It will be in the not to far distant future, just not yet. :-)

I noticed something interesting. I inserted this line of code right before the line of code where the problem occurs:


That forces all models to get loaded. I have seen several cases where this caused EOF to start working. But it has to be done at just the right time...

That seems to make the problem go away. I take it out and the problem comes back. I put it back in and the problem goes away.

So I thought, fine, I'll just put that in the application constructor, but nope. If I put it in the application constructor then the problem comes back (the worker thread exits due to error). And besides, I don't like hacks. :-)

On May 8, 2009, at 11:34 AM, Kieran Kelleher wrote:

Yes, I have seen this before when an error in appendToResponse of a WOComponent prevented the session to get checked back into the SessionStore at the end of the R-R loop.

To prevent the thread exiting and respawning and to get the error stack trace, I used Wonder's er.extensions.ERXApplication.useSessionStoreDeadlockDetection (which requires concurrent request handling to be turned off for that to work). Once you find the problem and fix it, you can turn back on concurrent request handling. This worked a treat and helped me find and fix the problem quickly.

For the mechanics of how it works see ERXApplication and the inner SessionInfo class and see references to the method public boolean useSessionStoreDeadlockDetection().

HTH, Kieran

On May 8, 2009, at 10:29 AM, Ricardo J. Parada wrote:

Hi All,

I've used eomodels that point to different databases without problems before. For example, one points to a reporting database where we run queries and then the report is stored in the live production database. This is so that we don't impact the main database because the volume of reports gets very heavy.

Anyways, recently we split an eomodel into two so we could point one eomodel to another database that will hold some reference data. The entities in one model have relationships with destination entities in the second model.

The problem I'm seeing is that when I set a to-one relationship which is the inverse of a to-many relationship I get this exception:

(com.webobjects.foundation.NSKeyValueCoding$UnknownKeyException) com.sun.jdi.InvocationException occurred invoking method.

This seems to happen within EOF inside com.webobjects.foundation.NSKeyValueCoding._KeyBinding when the setValueInBinding() method is getting called.

I can't print the stack trace because attempting to do so creates another exception and nothing prints to the console. I also see this in the console in Eclipse while the application is running and I attempt to set the to-one relationship in the EO :

[2009-5-7 23:18:25 EDT] <WorkerThread13> <WOWorkerThread id=13 socket=null> Workerthread exiting due to error, respawning with ID 10013...

I was wondering if anyone has seen anything like this before? Or does anybody have a clue what would cause a worker thread to exit?

I reverted to a single eomodel and the problem goes away... I'm gonna attempt the eomodel split again to see what happens.


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