
We had this exact same problem with the 5.3.3 servlet adaptor (thankfully, it was fixed in 5.4). If I recall correctly, what we ended up having to do was actually subclass WOServletAdaptor and implement the "destroy()" method described at

In the destroy method, we'd use reflection to get the WOApplication class, get the value of WOApplication.application(), and invoke the "terminate" method on that. It wasn't terribly clean but it worked; thankfully, somebody fixed it in either 5.4 or the ERXServletAdaptor.


On 2009-09-03, at 9:31 PM, Ken Anderson wrote:

Doesn't anyone have any experience terminating properly under a servlet?

On Aug 27, 2009, at 2:06 PM, Ken Anderson wrote:

I'm using 5.3.3, and I just realized that terminate() never gets called. Doing a search, I find that this is a bug fixed in 5.4. The question is, can I find out the container is terminating without moving to 5.4 ?

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