worked like a charm.. on to my other problematically displayed fields..

On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 3:11 PM, David LeBer
<> wrote:
> On 2011-04-26, at 5:56 PM, Joe Little wrote:
>> Lets focus on *Note pages and their display of Projects (one to one)..
>> That answer is ERD2WDisplayToOne or ERMDEditRelationship
> ERD2WDisplayToOne is going to use keyWhenRelationship.
> ERMEditRelationship embeds an ERMODEditRelationshipPage so it will get it's 
> on copy of the d2wContext and it's own pageConfiguration. So use a rule 
> something like:
> pageConfiguration = 'EditRelationshipEmbeddedProject' => displayPropertyKeys 
> = ("name") [Assignment]
> If you need to qualify further (i.e: change the displayPropertyKeys depending 
> on what the parent object is) you can add an 'and' to something like: 
> parentPageConfiguration = 'EditNote'
> Note: Typed directly into mail, YMMV, it's the end of the day, don't quote 
> me, look... bunnies!
>> On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 2:41 PM, David LeBer
>> <> wrote:
>>> On 2011-04-26, at 5:34 PM, Joe Little wrote:
>>>> I'm trying to get any Projects that have Notes to display just the
>>>> noteText, and likewise, all Notes to display just the project Name for
>>>> their relationships, but its always shows all the fields.
>>>> (pageConfiguration like '*Project' and propertyKey = 'notes') =>
>>>> displayPropertyKeys = ("noteText")
>>>> (pageConfiguration like '*Note' and propreryKey = 'project) =>
>>>> displayPropertyKeys = ("name")
>>>> Don't seem to have any affect. Any clue to what I'm doing wrong? I
>>>> used the D2W inspector, and those should be the rules for what I have.
>>> What component is being used to display the relationship to Notes for a 
>>> Project, and what component is displaying the Project for a Note?
> ;david
> --
> David LeBer
> Codeferous Software
> 'co-def-er-ous' adj. Literally 'code-bearing'
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> --
> WOWODC 2011 :  July 1-2-3, Montreal.
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