
I have recently taken on support of a WebObjects project which builds and 
deploy a war file from the command line using maven and jetty (and is in 
Eclipse for code development).  I installed maven and the existing project code 
on my usual WO 5.4 development system and everything runs perfectly. 

I want to add the Houdah EOAccess framework to use the qualifier additions. I 
downloaded the source code from 
http://code.google.com/p/houdah-webobjects-frameworks/ and built EOControl and 
EOAccess frameworks by running mvn package with the packaging set to 'jar'. I 
have included an Info.plist  in src/main/resources and set the 'flatten' 
property for maven-wolifecycle-plugin. (I have tried with packaging set to 
woframework and also to jar).   I have installed the 3 jar files in my .m2 
maven repository,  set my project dependencies and checked that they are 
definitely included in my .war file snapshot after building.

When I run the resulting app and try to access the houdah qualifier I get the 

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Qualifier (groups CONTAINS at least 1 
match(es) for ((name = 'Test')) (class 
com.houdah.eocontrol.qualifiers.ExistsInRelationshipQualifier (does not 
implement EOQualifierSQLGeneration.

I can't work out how to get past this block.  Can anyone advise on a way to 
build the frameworks and successfully include them in the project so that (a) 
they will be included in the final .war and (b) will work?

Liz _______________________________________________
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