My ERREST application has progressed nicely, feeding an iPhone app, and I have 
a couple more very similar projects to work on over summer.

However, I am experiencing a problem with my baseQualifier not being applied.  
Code sample:

        public class CategoryController extends ERXRouteController {
        public static EOQualifier baseQualifier() {
                return new EOKeyValueQualifier(Category.RUN_ID_KEY, 
EOQualifier.QualifierOperatorEqual, runId());
        public WOActionResults indexAction() {
                NSLog.debug.appendln("indexAction reached " + baseQualifier());

                ERXRestFetchSpecification<Category> fetchSpec = new 
ERXRestFetchSpecification<Category>(Category.ENTITY_NAME, null, 
baseQualifier(), queryFilter(), null, 25);
                return response(fetchSpec, showFilter());

Query sent:



        14004 [WorkerThread15] DEBUG NSLog  - indexAction reached (runId = 

queryFilter() has the line:

                filter.exclude(new ERXKey<String>("runId"));

but removing that line has no effect.

The values returned include all Category objects; however, I expected to see 
only those matching the baseQualifier AND the URL specified qualifier; is this 
correct?   How do I achieve this result?


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