On 2011-11-16, at 3:38 PM, David Avendasora wrote:

> On Nov 10, 2011, at 5:34 AM, Paul Hoadley wrote:
>> Say I have two entities, User and Role, and a joining entity UserRole to 
>> create a many-to-many relationship between them.  So I have a relationship 
>> 'userRoles' from User to UserRole (and a relationship 'userRoles' from Role 
>> back to UserRole).  I flatten the relationship on User, so I also have a 
>> 'roles' relationship on that entity.
> Wait. "Also"?!? That's insane. That's two distinct relationships representing 
> the same DB information, and one is hiding a huge piece of the action. You 
> are just asking for trouble.

I am hopeful that one of them is just in the model, you know, normal flattening 
through a join table?  

> Pick one. Get rid of the other. I vote for getting rid of the flattened 
> relationship. I find flattened relationships to be on the same level as 
> compound PKs. Sure they seem great, but eventually they come back to bite 
> you. They paint you into a long-term corner for short-term convenience sake.

Except when hiding key only join tables.

> Proper relationship molding seems simple,

Yep, just get them damp and put them someplace warm and dark.

> but it is full of subtleties and complexities and you can easily do things 
> that work fine in all but a few specific conditions and then they can corrupt 
> your data without you knowing it until it's too late. Having two 
> relationships that represent the same information makes database corruption 
> at least 10x more likely.
> Here's "Dave's Rules of Happy Modeling™" *
> 1) No flattened relationships
> 2) No compound primary keys
> 3) One path to data (no cyclical relationships)

No foo.bar.foo?  What if you have a Foo and want the Bar?

> 4) Model Inheritance only as the very last resort.

Pfft.  Use inheritance where is makes sense (Liskov sense, not for 
implementation or when you really want a Role).

> *Oftentimes you are stuck with an existing/legacy DB and it is great that WO 
> gives you the tools to work with a sub-optimal (from an OO perspective) 
> architecture, but you should be very hesitant to use those tools when 
> creating a new architecture.

True.  But I want to hear more about relationship molding.   I wonder if 
attributes would mold too....


Chuck Hill             Senior Consultant / VP Development

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