Oh, that's GREAT ! I'll certainly take advantage of that this year.

we're having cayenne training every day? 

That's great too, but since I use EOF already I'd basically look toward mobile 
client aspects of WO rather than changing how we use persistent store. 

ERSync represents mobile, and the future of WO and we should attend to the 
mobile / errest parts of WOnder!

My two cents.

On Apr 19, 2013, at 1:41 PM, Pascal Robert <prob...@macti.ca> wrote:

> http://www.wocommunity.org/wowodc13/schedule.html
> Open Labs : ask questions, show stuff to small group of people
> 15 minutes presentations: want to show something to everyone but don't want 
> to do a 60 minutes? This is the place
> Community Working Group: want to talk about new stuff that should go in 
> Wonder? Ideas of replace WO core stuff with open source libs (like having 
> Cayenne as a alternative to EOF)? you want to contribute to Wonder but don't 
> know how to do it? All of these should be done in the Community Working Group.
> BTW, we will have two more "regular" presentations, the title and outline of 
> those two new presentations will be available next week.
>> Speaking of WOWODC -
>> I would love to see folks setup up some ad-hok bring your own laptop and 
>> build stuff sessions -
>> We have great presentations, but people also want to get down to work! 
>> Ask some questions, show off some things you've learned --
>> This is one of those work-sessions that I'd love to ask if Martin or Hugi or 
>> whoever else might help run a bit of.
>> Just set aside some time during the show and organize the idea of a few 
>> work-sessions.
>> Anyone else like to see some of that this year?
>> On Apr 19, 2013, at 11:56 AM, Martin B <syrinx2...@msn.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Hugi,
>>> I have to agree with you about WO not being maven friendly, but with a few 
>>> tweaks and minor adjustments it's definitely possible.  I've migrated a 
>>> bunch of old WO applications that were running on ant successfully.  The 
>>> only problem I still have to solve is Eclipse debugging with Maven, but 
>>> that's more like M2Eclipse issue.
>>> That being said, if you need help I will be at WOWODC in a few months, 
>>> maybe I could share some tricks with you (who whoever would be interested).
>>> Martin
>>>> Subject: Re: Creating a WO Maven project
>>>> From: h...@karlmenn.is
>>>> Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2013 18:46:00 +0000
>>>> To: list...@dakri.com
>>>> CC: webobjects-dev@lists.apple.com
>>>> FWIW I use Maven (and more recently, Gradle) for everything except WO. WO 
>>>> hates Maven and the more influential WO-folks hate Maven too, so currently 
>>>> it's just easier to use Ant.
>>>> - hugi
>>>> On 18.4.2013, at 17:02, Faizel Dakri <list...@dakri.com> wrote:
>>>>> I believe the Wonder projects have customized pom.xml files that specify 
>>>>> the sourceDirectory explicitly. But this is sort of going against the 
>>>>> maven standard. There was an old page on the wiki that touched on this:
>>>>> http://wiki.wocommunity.org/display/documentation/Maven+Kicking+the+tyres+without+changing+your+project+structure
>>>>> F
>>>>> On 2013-Apr-18, at 11:25 AM, Pascal Robert <prob...@macti.ca> wrote:
>>>>>> So, no way to have fluffy bunny with Maven? How it's working for Wonder 
>>>>>> then?
>>>>>>> The documentation needs……(drum roll)….
>>>>>>> updating…
>>>>>>> Use the command line (make an alias, you won't remember it) :
>>>>>>> mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=local 
>>>>>>> This assumes you have the catalog archetype-catalog.xml in ~/.m2
>>>>>>> If so you see:
>>>>>>> [INFO] No archetype defined. Using maven-archetype-quickstart 
>>>>>>> (org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-quickstart:1.0)
>>>>>>> Choose archetype:
>>>>>>> 1: local -> org.objectstyle.woproject.maven2:erxapplication-archetype 
>>>>>>> (Wonder Application Archetype)
>>>>>>> 2: local -> 
>>>>>>> org.objectstyle.woproject.maven2:erxapplication-d2w-archetype (Wonder 
>>>>>>> D2W Application Archetype)
>>>>>>> 3: local -> 
>>>>>>> org.objectstyle.woproject.maven2:erxapplication-servlet-archetype 
>>>>>>> (Wonder Servlet Application Archetype)
>>>>>>> 4: local -> 
>>>>>>> org.objectstyle.woproject.maven2:partial-woapplication-servlet-archetype
>>>>>>>  (Partial WebObjects Servlet Application Archetype)
>>>>>>> 5: local -> org.objectstyle.woproject.maven2:woapplication-archetype 
>>>>>>> (WebObjects Application Archetype)
>>>>>>> 6: local -> 
>>>>>>> org.objectstyle.woproject.maven2:woapplication-servlet-archetype 
>>>>>>> (WebObjects Servlet Application Archetype)
>>>>>>> 7: local -> org.objectstyle.woproject.maven2:woframework-archetype 
>>>>>>> (WebObjects Framework Archetype)
>>>>>>> Choose a number or apply filter (format: [groupId:]artifactId, case 
>>>>>>> sensitive contains): : 
>>>>>>> Pick a number, and an application is created--no eclipse!
>>>>>>> Now import it into eclipse. But is maven layout, not fluffy bunny. You 
>>>>>>> can override the standard locations src/, but then you are deviating 
>>>>>>> from the uber pom. You must specify where the sources are. 
>>>>>>> On Apr 9, 2013, at 9:28 AM, Pascal Robert wrote:
>>>>>>>> Ok, so I'm trying to drink the Maven koolaid, but you are not helping. 
>>>>>>>> Somes pages about Maven on the wiki talks about creating projects by 
>>>>>>>> command line, so about using archetypes in WOLips, but those 
>>>>>>>> archetypes are not in WOLips.
>>>>>>>> So, what are the steps to create a Maven project with the "Fluffy 
>>>>>>>> Bunny" layout in WOLips?
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