How about the EOModeller trouble ( data types meing mangled when you alter the 
model) ?

I had enough trouble with EOModeller in Eclipse 4.2 to go back to 3.7/8. I 
really wish to hear about people's experiences since 3.x is an aging platform...

And 4.x has proven troublesome for WOdevelopment...

(actually, if anyone, and I mean _anyone_ ) wishes to put effort into bringing 
IntellJ/IDEA into the fold again, I'd be happy to participate ;)


On 19.9.2013, at 16:10, Henrique Gomes wrote:

> Thank you for bringing this up, I was using different versions of eclipse for 
> WO and other work (embedded systems, C) because when I tried to work with 
> eclipse 4.x, it crashed with NPE's on the WO editor so I was still using 
> Indigo (3.?) for WO.
> After trying again with 4.3, I found out that a new workspace solves the 
> problem, but I also found out that I only need to erase the prefs stored in 
> .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings I delete all the org 
> org.objectstyle.* and org.eclipse.wst.* files in there.
> I'm know using the same eclipse for all my work, great.
> Henrique Gomes
> On Sep 6, 2013, at 6:02 PM, Ramsey Gurley <> wrote:
>> I'm using 4.3 without issues for about 6 weeks now. My coworkers are not 
>> able to make the same claim. We've all decided I'm charmed :-)
>> On Sep 6, 2013, at 9:40 AM, Hugi Thordarson wrote:
>>> Hi all.
>>> I'm setting up a new team on WO. Just wondering if anyone is using Eclipse 
>>> 4 with any success now or if I should start them off on 3.x?
>>> Cheers,
>>> - hugi


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