A printer button is included by default, it's just hidden via "display: none".

Am 07.09.2014 um 20:38 schrieb Theodore Petrosky <tedp...@yahoo.com>:

> I hope my subject line isn’t too far off the mark.
> I want to understand more of D2W so, I am creating a simple Invoicing 
> project. it has Users (with differing permissions), clients, inventory, and 
> invoices (so far). I am not attempting to create a complete ledger with 
> control accounts, at least not yet as it is beyond the scope of this self 
> tutorial.
> I create an invoice and assign it to a client. then I add line items from 
> inventory. Line items have a list price. so an Invoice has a to-many relation 
> to invoiceLineItems which is to one lineItem.
> simple, but now I want to print this invoice. When I select edit on the 
> ListInvoice page, I see it is a ERMODInspectPage. I guess I could create my 
> own version of the page, cloning it into my framework, then I could add a 
> ‘Print’ button, passing the object() to a JasperReport function. There must 
> be a WO way of doing this that I just don’t understand.
> I have a list of invoices, I click the edit button and I want to ‘print’ this 
> object. How to inject this ‘print’ button, icon, widget, in D2W? And if the 
> answer is “Clone ERMODInspectPage and add the appropriate code”, so be it.
> Ted
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