Wait, what?  You had a life before?!!?   :-P

Maven is actually good and useful provided that you do things The Maven Way and 
don’t try and fight it to do things the WO way.

Yes, Chuck just said that.  No, I have not been drinking.


On 2017-05-11, 12:29 PM, "Webobjects-dev on behalf of Hugi Thordarson" 
<webobjects-dev-bounces+chill=gevityinc....@lists.apple.com on behalf of 
h...@karlmenn.is> wrote:

    The documentation on the wiki seems pretty outdated. But the transition 
isn’t really complicated. Most of the work is the manual work of converting the 
Eclipse project—here’s a basic guide for achieving that for an application 
    Note that before you can actually do this, though, you’ll have to copy the 
following file to ~/.m2/settings.xml. It informs maven about the WOCommunity 
maven repositories where the WO specific stuff lives.
    After having done this with a few dozen projects, migrating a regular 
no-frills Fluffy Bunny project to maven takes me less than an hour these days 
(including upgrading the Jenkins build :). I sincerely recommend you give it a 
try. It’s a huge boon to productivity; dependency management alone will save 
you hours of headaches if you’re using any 3rd party software. And not having 
to manage framework installations is awesome.
    Also, I currently don't have a life so I’m usually online to help if you 
run into issues ;).
    - hugi
    > On 11 May 2017, at 18:59, Tim Worman <li...@thetimmy.com> wrote:
    > I’m definitely interested in moving to Maven. It seems it can be a rocky 
transition from what I’ve seen. But it also positions one better to make the 
move to other technologies that probably utilize Maven too (Cayenne?).
    > Is the wiki pretty up-to-date regarding what’s required to mavenize?
    > Tim
    >> On May 9, 2017, at 9:38 AM, Hugi Thordarson <h...@karlmenn.is> wrote:
    >> You can also switch to maven and skip that whole “install 
WebObjects”-mess [ducks and runs away before anyone can beat him up]
    >> - hugi
    >>> On 9 May 2017, at 16:05, Calven Eggert <cal...@mac.com> wrote:
    >>> I’ve finally managed to get the ERExtensions to compile without errors. 
 The trick was to place the commons-lang3-3.5 folder (downloaded from apache) 
in the Libraries folder in ERExtensions like so:
    >>> /Users/calven/WonderSource/Frameworks/Core/ERExtensions/Libraries
    >>> And now all my WO projects run in Eclipse and from the terminal.
    >>> Calven
    >>>> On May 8, 2017, at 8:24 AM, Johann Werner <johann.wer...@posteo.de> 
    >>>> The reported constructor method signature
    >>>> (String, String, String, String, int, boolean, boolean)
    >>>> does only exist in Wonder’s variant of WOCookie and not in the 
original WOCookie class. Thus you probably have some sort of class ordering 
problem in your project. Check if ERXExtensions comes before JavaWebObjects.
    >>>> jw
    >>>>> Am 08.05.2017 um 14:15 schrieb Calven Eggert <cal...@mac.com>:
    >>>>> I changed the woolies.properties to new point to the 
woolies.543.properties and now it works.  Thanks for that hint.  I suppose with 
the changes we discussed earlier in getting this setup it messed this up. 
    >>>>> However, I’m still having problems with one of my apps where I try to 
run it from eclipse and I get this error (which I thought was going to be 
corrected once that compile was working but no):
    >>>>> java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 
    >>>>> com.webobjects.foundation.NSForwardException 
    >>>>>       at 
    >>>>>       at 
    >>>>>       at 
    >>>>>       at 
    >>>>>       at 
    >>>>>       at 
    >>>>>       at 
    >>>>>       at 
    >>>>>       at 
    >>>>>       at 
    >>>>>       at COREApplication.dispatchRequest(COREApplication.java:461)
    >>>>>       at 
    >>>>>       at 
    >>>>>       at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
    >>>>> Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 
    >>>>>       at 
    >>>>>       at 
    >>>>>       at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    >>>>>       at 
    >>>>>       at 
    >>>>>       at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
    >>>>>       at 
    >>>>>       ... 12 more
    >>>>> It works if I run the app from the terminal.  What am I missing here?
    >>>>>> On May 8, 2017, at 7:52 AM, Theodore Petrosky <tedp...@yahoo.com> 
    >>>>>> I think you are going to find that your Apple WebObjects files are 
hurt. Of course you will not be able to use the apple WebObjects.mpkg will not 
install WO. You will need to use the WOInstaller.jar.
    >>>>>> What do you have in your wobuild.properties (~/Library), and what 
about ~/Library/Application\ Support/WOLips/wolips.properties
    >>>>>> I spun my wheels for hours to get this to work again in Sierra.
    >>>>>>> On May 8, 2017, at 7:41 AM, Calven Eggert <cal...@mac.com> wrote:
    >>>>>>> I get the same error for this source.
    >>>>>>>> On May 7, 2017, at 5:57 PM, Theodore Petrosky <tedp...@yahoo.com> 
    >>>>>>>> So, you are trying to build ERExtensions only? What do you get 
when you do an ‘ant frameworks’ at the top level of your repo?
    >>>>>>>>> On May 7, 2017, at 4:23 PM, Calven Eggert <cal...@mac.com> wrote:
    >>>>>>>>> I’ve been installing my dev environment on a new Mac in Sierra 
however, I’m having problems with one of my applications.  When I build the 
Wonder code I get an error with ERExtensions. See below.  I’ve downloaded the 
file org.apache.commons.lang3 cause of the error message but I still get the 
error.  I’m not sure where this new file should go but something tells me this 
setup doesn’t feel quite right. Anyone else have the issue?
    >>>>>>>>> Calven
    >>>>>>>>> ----------
    >>>>>>>>> calven$ cd 
    >>>>>>>>> calven$ ant
    >>>>>>>>> Buildfile: 
    >>>>>>>>> clean:
    >>>>>>>>> ERExtensions.all:
    >>>>>>>>> global.environment:
    >>>>>>>>> global.properties:
    >>>>>>>>> global.framework.clean:
    >>>>>>>>> [delete] Deleting directory 
    >>>>>>>>> build:
    >>>>>>>>> ERExtensions.all:
    >>>>>>>>> global.environment:
    >>>>>>>>> global.properties:
    >>>>>>>>> global.prepare:
    >>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/calven/Roots/classes/ERExtensions
    >>>>>>>>> global.compile:
    >>>>>>>>> global.dummy:
    >>>>>>>>> [wocompile] Compiling 524 source files to 
    >>>>>>>>> [wocompile] 
 error: package org.apache.commons.lang3.builder does not exist
    >>>>>>>>> [wocompile] import 
    >>>>>>>>> [wocompile]                                        ^
    >>>>>>>>> [wocompile] 
 error: package org.apache.commons.lang3 does not exist
    >>>>>>>>> [wocompile] import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
    >>>>>>>>> [wocompile]                                ^
    >>>>>>>>> [wocompile] 
 error: package org.slf4j does not exist
    >>>>>>>>> [wocompile] import org.slf4j.Logger;
    >>>>>>>>> [wocompile]                 ^
    >>>>>>>>> [wocompile] 
 error: package org.slf4j does not exist
    >>>>>>>>> [wocompile] import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
    >>>>>>>>> [wocompile]                 ^
    >>>>>>>>> [wocompile] 
 error: package org.slf4j does not exist
    >>>>>>>>> [wocompile] import org.slf4j.Logger;
    >>>>>>>>> [wocompile]                 ^
    >>>>>>>>> [wocompile] 
 error: package org.slf4j does not exist
    >>>>>>>>> [wocompile] import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
    >>>>>>>>> [wocompile]                 ^
    >>>>>>>>> [wocompile] 
 error: cannot find symbol
    >>>>>>>>> [wocompile]       static final Logger log = 
    >>>>>>>>> [wocompile]                    ^
    >>>>>>>>> [wocompile]   symbol:   class Logger
    >>>>>>>>> …
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