On the one hand, I am tempted to ask how you got it working. I see the previous messages and tried to use the info in them. But I was really responding to the fact that every update needs to need some kind of fix and it may be that maven is more reliable when it comes to compiling java classes and building frameworks.

As for the javadoc and other tasks like that, are they as complicated or as error-prone? I am not sure.

- ray

On 5/20/17 10:35 AM, Theodore Petrosky wrote:
Interesting, I feel a little behind the curve here. I finally feel that my ‘ant’ build and install is working exactly correct. I think that Sierra ‘fixed’ a bunch of things, or maybe my constant hacking made it work.

But now I should learn to use maven. Did anyone do a WOWODC session on maven?


On May 20, 2017, at 3:43 AM, Musall, Maik <m...@selbstdenker.ag <mailto:m...@selbstdenker.ag>> wrote:

Hi Ray,

interesting stuff. Did the javadoc also work correctly with maven, did it generate proper index html files on Sierra as well?

Perhaps it's also time to move the Jenkins wonder build to maven.


Am 19.05.2017 um 23:10 schrieb Ray Kiddy <r...@ganymede.org <mailto:r...@ganymede.org>>:

So, I just have to say, I wanted to build wonder on my new Sierra laptop and of course it did not work. And then, after checking several things, downloading this and that, checking some other things, sacrificing a fatted calf and so on and so forth, thinking about making this work just starting to sound like Beelzebub howling in my head. Really.

I installed maven, got Hugi's settings.xml file and it just f-ing worked. Arg! Damn his eyes! :-)

I just thought I should admit, publicly and with appropriate humility, my interest in making wonder build with ant just vanished. Sorry. Life is just too short.

Now, figuring out the whole getting my projects to work with it, we'll see. But I am tired of finding myself messing with deployment scripts. So who knows.


On 5/12/17 3:39 AM, Hugi Thordarson wrote:
Thanks Hugi for the links! I’m definitely going to be looking into this soon-ish. Goodbye fluffy bunny.

The wiki is semi-useful, but some of it is stale and unhelpful. As far as migration of existing projects goes, follow Hugi’s recipe:


but also take a look at my fork of that:


They cover some slightly different areas. Hugi—we really should merge them.

Ah, yes. Most importantly, you mention updating the “woproject”-folder which I forgot to include.

I also think Hugi’s being modest—once you’ve done a few, you can probably migrate a project in under 20 minutes.

In fact I originally wrote “10 minutes” there, but I felt an hour would sound more believable :).

To "dependency management" and "third party library integration", I would add "simplified interaction with Jenkins” as a huge benefit. Throw out all those workspace setup scripts: just point Jenkins at your repo and you’re pretty much done. We’ve been using Maven for about 6 months, and haven’t looked back.

Not to mention all the other goodies you get by using maven, stuff like automatic test running, "mvn versions:display-dependency-updates”, "mvn dependency:tree” etc.

If you want to live-blog your experience here on the list, Hugi and I would be happy to help troubleshoot if you run into any issues


- hugi

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