Hi there,

incidentally, does perhaps anyone know of a reliable documentation of the 
property list items which describe an EOFetchSpecification inside of a .fspec 
file in a model?

The Apple documentation (“WebObjects File Format Reference”) either blatantly 
lies, or I must be doing something terribly wrong; the doc says

qualifier / string / A formatted string for an EOQualifier object that 
indicates which records or objects the fetch specification should fetch. See 
EOQualifier in WebObjects 5.4 Reference for the format of this string.

nevertheless, when I tried with a

"SharedStaticObjects" = {
    class = EOFetchSpecification;
    entityName = DBDFList;
    fetchLimit = 0;
    isDeep = YES;
    qualifier = "uid < 99999";

it simply did not work. Having checked some real .fpecs I have changed it to

    qualifier =     {
        class = EOKeyValueQualifier;
        key = uid;
        selectorName = "isLessThan:";
        value =         {
            class = NSNumber;
            value = 99999;

which works like a charm, but — far as I was able to ascertain — does not seem 
to be documented anywhere at all...

Thanks again,

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