What I think you want is a DA to return JSON, perhaps like this:

        public WOResponse responseForPoint(DataPoint point) {
                ERXKeyFilter filter = DataPointController.showFilter();
                String json = ERXRestFormat.json().toString(point, filter);
                WOResponse aResponse = new WOResponse();
                return aResponse;

> On Apr 16, 2020, at 3:03 PM, Dev WO <webobje...@anazys.com> wrote:
> I cannot really say it is solved based on the subject of the thread, but 
> regarding what I was actually trying to do, it is solved.
> I picked up just what was needed to generate the Json response in my 
> DirectAction class so I could keep what I was using the generate the url.
> Thanks anyway, it gave me some time to look at ERRest:)
> Xavier
>> On 16 Apr 2020, at 20:31, Dev WO via Webobjects-dev 
>> <webobjects-dev@lists.apple.com> wrote:
>> I was just looking at making a DirectAction to get a NSDict as a json output 
>> actually.
>> Searching for that it looked like ERRest was the answer, but maybe I should 
>> just “borrow” the method that actually generate the son response and stick 
>> with the regular DirectAction…
>> Xavier
>>> On 16 Apr 2020, at 20:11, Jesse Tayler <jtay...@oeinc.com> wrote:
>>> I might be confused
>>> Not sure this is the right API for what you want since this API is for a 
>>> specific page or object ID?
>>> ra/Vote/2343.html
>>> or
>>> ra/User/jtayler.html
>>> Is what I might expect
>>> Those routes are HTML and either need default HTML or a static view page 
>>> for that entity that accepts an object to inspect.
>>> Are you looking to invoke a list page?
>>> This is a list with params and basically an apache rule redirects the URL 
>>> into the longer version and my app intercepts link URL requests and 
>>> exchanges links on production that are shorter.
>>> http://planaby.com/event/nearby.html?distance=30.0&lat=40.7450127906344&lon=-73.9771424224899
>>> or
>>> http://planaby.com/person/1.html
>>> Is just a simple ERRest route url translated by apache so it looks shorter 
>>> in production
>>> Maybe that helps
>>>> On Apr 16, 2020, at 1:45 PM, Dev WO <webobje...@anazys.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Jesse,
>>>> Thanks for the pointer, that does look better, but I don’t understand 2 
>>>> things:
>>>> The method I have is
>>>> actionUrlForEntity(WOContext context, String entityName, Object entityID, 
>>>> String action, String format, NSDictionary<String, Object> 
>>>> queryParameters, boolean secure, boolean includeSessionID)
>>>> I’m doing “ERXRouteUrlUtils.actionUrlForEntity(context(), "Status", null, 
>>>> null, null, restDict, false, false)"
>>>> I’m expecting a url like 
>>>> ''/cgi-bin/WebObjects/CloudManager.woa/ra/Status?type=heat”
>>>> but I get "/cgi-bin/WebObjects/CloudManager.woa/ra/statuses.html?type=heat”
>>>> I don’t really get why I got “statuses.html” instead of “Status” (the 
>>>> capital S and the plural+.html).
>>>> Looking at the source, it seems whatever I choose as “format”, I’ll get a 
>>>> “.something” appended, but the response is still ok if I do 
>>>> '/cgi-bin/WebObjects/CloudManager.woa/ra/Status.json?type=heat” so that’s 
>>>> not an issue.
>>>> But the capital S and the plural do break my call, any idea about this?
>>>> Thanks, hope everything is as good as it could be in NYC,
>>>> Xavier
>>>>> On 16 Apr 2020, at 18:49, Jesse Tayler <jtay...@oeinc.com> wrote:
>>>>> If you want to generate an action URL, I think you’ll want this API
>>>>> String link = ERXRouteUrlUtils.actionUrlForEntity(context, entityName, 
>>>>> entityID, action, format, queryParameters, secure, includeSessionID);
>>>>>> On Apr 16, 2020, at 12:42 PM, Dev WO via Webobjects-dev 
>>>>>> <webobjects-dev@lists.apple.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>>> I’m currently trying a few things with ERRest.
>>>>>> In a stateless component, I need to create some urls manually (they will 
>>>>>> be used inside a script element).
>>>>>> When I was calling my DirectAction class, I was just doing this:
>>>>>>  context().generateRelativeURLs();
>>>>>> NSMutableDictionary<String, String> dict = new 
>>>>>> NSMutableDictionary<String, String>();
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>> dict.put(key, value);
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>> String relativeUrl = context()._directActionURL(“myDirectAction", dict, 
>>>>>> false);
>>>>>> But I wasn’t able to find out the equivalent _directActionURL() method 
>>>>>> to generate the Rest (with /ra) URL.
>>>>>> How would you manually generate a relative URL for an ERRest request?
>>>>>> Thanks a lot and stay safe,
>>>>>> Xavier
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