Hi Keith, all

I'm very sorry that none of the proposers of Drupal took his time to tell Keith exactly what are our basic needs for our website.

Christian tried to point him to the wiki page, but I assume that Keith doesn't know how the OOo community has been built up and how this community here will have to start (Christian mentioned it in one of his mails two or three days ago, but I doubt if it has got the necessary attention).

And because the time frame is much too short to add all the necessary preconditions to the Drupal demo, I don't think that Drupal will have a real chance even if I think it could provide all of them.

But *could* is not enough: We need a working website *now* (to be honest, we would have needed in already two weeks ago).

What has not been communicated in the past is: The demo will be (at least I think so) the basis for the new website where the different teams should work on during the next days. There will be no time to set up a different system for the official website - so it needs to work.

People with very little experience in website construction will have to be able to create websites for their own LibreOffice/TDF area on the website.

Especially the native-language teams, but also marketing and user support are waiting too long already.

We're losing momentum - contributors - users if we keep on discussing the best solution.

Christian's preconditions on the wiki
(http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Website/Evaluation_of_CMS_Platforms#Requirements) have been a *minimum* condition to start working for the different teams.

I don't know how far the Drupal demo allows a less experienced editor to do the task mentioned there - reading Christian's comments, many of them have still not been activated in the demo.

What I miss in the wiki is a check mark showing which demo allows which task to be done already.

This is much more a basis for the start than the possible features that could be integrated later on.

I'd really like to focus on the latter, but we don't have the time to wait any longer.

If we had all the *basic* features included in the demo I'm quite sure that the possibilities contained in the Drupal modules would allow us to use our website for many very interesting and highly positive things and that Drupal would be favorite over Silverstripe if it is as editor-friendly as Silverstripe (in the demo version).

But we need to start now, so these thoughts should be proposed later.

We can't turn back the time, so there is no chance to discuss the topic even more thoroughly and create a detailed system allowing us to do even things we don't imagine now right from the start.

The only question is:

Which *already built demo system* is able to allow the teams to start now:

Is it easy enough to create and modify websites, link them to each other and to external pages?

Is there a consistent navigation area automatically added to any newly created page?

Does version control work?

Are there different levels of roles established for editors and people approving modifications?

Does the system can distinguish between different user roles (visitor, contributor, content developer ...) and show different content depending on their roles?

Can Sub-groups work on their own area being informed if their content is modified?

Please look at the wiki page for additional requirements, but in my eyes these are the ones fundamental for starting to work for the teams.

If the Drupal demo allows all this *now*, I'd ask Christian to have one more look at the demo.

If not, I can't understand why :-(

I really like Drupal to become our CMS, but the version we need now has to work!

Perhaps this points to the urgency of this task - I can't do more...

Best regards


PS: I didn't try either of the demos - (that's the reason I didn't comment much here in the past) - but I don't have enough time to do so...

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