Hi Michael,

being still on the train, I can finally comment here.

First - a lot of thanks to you! Not only that you and all the
contributors work on this, you also provide this neat status
information. To me it seems, that you should consider posting such great
progress to the Planet as well. Just too important and thrilling :-)

Am Samstag, den 13.11.2010, 16:43 +0930 schrieb Michael Wheatland:
> (-) Basic information about LibreOffice and each application is easily
> accessible and understandable
> (-) All languages will have the same content, some of which will be
> automatically translated so collaboration can occur across languages.
> (Forums, News, Extensions, Templates)

Interesting - and because I am personally curious: how is the
translation achieved? In the last time, I noticed a large photo forum
that also provides translated content. It even takes you a while
(although English to German isn't that hard for automatic translation)
to know that it has been translated, automatically. It works, if people
don't use "domain specific terminology" - otherwise it gets funny.

Concerning the Extensions and Templates - I know that we currently talk
about the _very_ first step. To think ahead, do you think it is possible
to link LibO's internals with the Templates and Extensions page? There
have been some reasons why this hadn't been adressed within OOo, but now
this would greatly improve the experience using LibO ... Thinking of
presenting, recommending, downloading and installing these items from
within LibO.

> (-) Official Documentation and proposed documentation sections are
> functional, just need some prettying up and filling with documents.
>        http://www.libreofficeaustralia.org/support/documentation
> (-) Template Library is fully functional - try it out and upload a test 
> template
>       http://www.libreofficeaustralia.org/download/templates
> (-) Forums are fully functional but not yet linked with any mailing list 
> system
>       http://www.libreofficeaustralia.org/forums/community
> (-) Twitter Feed has been setup under Support - Social Media, Need FB
> and others.
> (-) Community team pages are being setup now. ie website, marketing,
> documentation, artwork

Artwork --> Design ;-)

> (-) Theme concepts are coming along nicely, but we still require some
> experts here.

Here, it would be great to wait for the LibO 3.3 branding. It looks
(according to those people who provided feedback) much nicer than the
LibO Beta artwork ... so it would be great to consider it right from the
start. Basically, the stuff is ready in the SVG file - "just" needs
cleanup, exporting and uploading.

I think that it should be possible for me to support these efforts
within the next weeks - being more the usability and interaction guy,
than the artwork professional ;-) 

> (-) You can already submit artwork ideas
>       http://www.libreofficeaustralia.org/community/contribute/artwork

Being offline ... will have a look at it, later.

> Areas we plan to tackle next
> (-) Translations and internationalisation
> (-) Regional groups setup
> (-) Extensions directory
> (-) 'Features of LibreOffice' pages
> (-) Social Media integration

In general, I do hear many people talk about Twitter, Facebook, ...
although these are the "big players", I miss the "open" alternatives
here. Any chance to support them as well?

I think Florian (we should call him "Floweb 2.0") might have some
experience here. Others as well ... but here I miss the names ;-)

> (-) Consulting with the development group regarding idea tracking and
> bug reporting - already started
> (-) Setup a blogroll for the LibreOffice Planet.
> If you think you can help with any of this, please contact carlos,
> marc or ben, nino or myself directly.
> Also, I think it is about time that we approach the Steering Committee
> with the progress we have made and suggest a "Drupal on
> LibreOffice.org" launch date in early January. The progress on the
> site is astounding and I think that early January is achievable for a
> fully functional production quality site.

Looking forward :-)

By the way, is here any page describing the (assumed) visitors of our
site? So that the development of content / the site is directly related
to the target groups? (User with OOo experience, User with MSO
experience but no FLOSS information, ...). 

> Note: Development is happening on the English site,
> internationalisation will occur after the English site is operational.
> If you try to change the language you will likely get a 404 error due
> to nothing being translated yet. - First things first. Getting the
> structure right, then the content.

+1 :-)

> Again,
> Thanks to everyone who has done such an amazing job so far. Let's keep
> up the great work.

+1 +1


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