On 19.02.2013 09:11, Florian Effenberger wrote:
> Hi,
> Michael Meeks wrote on 2013-02-18 21:58:
>>     Yes - sorry for not getting on top of that myself or forwarding it
>> :-)
>> I'm aware of the following issues that I'd love to see fixed:
>>     * Credits page as of now doesn't split out the artwork commits
>>       anymore - which is a shame (why not ?)

As written earlier, this is because there is no automatic way to get
both yet. I created the total stats and the one for the template dir
separately and merged the resulting html pages manually.

>>     * Credits page doesn't include commits to the LibreOffice
>>       code-base from before we launched - it's sad to loose that
>>       history - I believe that was just turned off & could be
>>       re-enabled: perhaps it belongs right at the bottom (?)

This is just a command line parameter that is enabled or not. Reposting
the information:

This is how to generate the stats:

1) Check out the LO repo(s).
2) Check out the analyzer via mercurial:
3) Get the email->contributor name mapping from Cédric via:

4) Check the README for system requirements

Main stats:
~/src/gitanaly/analyse-commits.py -r ~/src/LibO -v -f
--sinceuntil=d387dace13fe1947ec5ad025ebd122ec6f13e3d0.. --no-plot

(skip the --sinceuntil parameter to include all of the git history, not
just since the fork)

This will create the stats in /tmp/index.html

If we want stats limited to the templates, this can do it:

~/src/gitanaly/analyse-commits.py -r ~/src/LibO -v -f
--sinceuntil=d387dace13fe1947ec5ad025ebd122ec6f13e3d0.. --no-plot

(again skip the --sinceuntil parameter to include all of the git
history, not just since the fork)

Right now, there is no way to get the total credits and the template
credits automatically integrated in a single page, I copied that
manually in.

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