At 09:45 AM 9/24/2001 +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>One thing which should be fixed is the link to the 0.5.1rc3 release package -
>last week, someone pointed out that it didn't work, and I managed to confirm
>this. Fortunately, someone had mirrored the package, which I really 
>by chance, in fact.

I just tried at:

and it worked for me. It was really, really slow, but it worked. Can you 
try again and let me know the results?

Also, I'll add a mirror link to the home page.

>Is there some kind of release plan for 0.5.1 or 0.6, or whatever? ;-)

Um, there will be a 0.6 release, but I can't say that a plan is in place. 
There are extensive notes on the release procedures in the docs and I would 
be open to a volunteer cutting the first candidate release of 0.6.



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