Just checked the current trunk under WinXP + Py2.4.1 and I'm still experiencing no problems breaking out from th app server with Ctrl/C.

So I will proceed and release 0.9 today. According to Murphy we will not find the real bugs until shortly after the release anyway ;-) But since the release procedures and tools are now well documented, it will not be such a big thing anymore to make a 0.9.1 release.

Another issue: Currently, the 0.8.1 docs have been made available on the w4py.org server by copying the whole Webware tree to the w4py homeapge context. I think this is bad, because it does not only make the docs available, but also all the Python servlets anywhere in the distribution. I think that is not really good for the stability and security of the server. My suggestion is to install the 0.9 release on w4py.org. This allows to serve the documentation without making the whole tree available.

But I think it would not be so good to make such changes on the server this weekend together with the release of 0.9 since in case anything goes wrong people who want to download 0.9 will be frustrated. So I will probably make the update next weekend. Is that ok?

-- Chris

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