HIPAA is not intended to *preclude* use of PHI for treatment. Consultation with other providers for treatment purposes is specifically permitted, under the broadest terms of any of the HIPAA use/disclosure provisions.
But the definition of CE does not include governmental *law enforcement* agencies - though it does include governmental *providers and plans* - and consultation with *law enforcement officials* is not *treatment.* (Unless you want to argue that becoming the subject of a criminal investigation and potentially criminal prosecution is "treatment," which would be an interesting semantic stretch and more to the point an interpretation inconsistent with the rules' own distinctions between the two types of PHI use.) Since a disclosure to law enforcement it is not for *treatment* other rules apply, which should not be difficult to comply with, though the failure to comply could expose the CE to penalties.
Likewise, the disclosure of PHI to another pharmacist to advise him or her of possible drug-seeking behavior is not for the purpose of *treatment* unless both pharmacists have a professional relationship to the possible drug-seeker; the goal then would indeed be the provision of clinically sound treatment services. That purpose is *not* present when a pharmacist sends that kind of information to another pharmacist who doesn't have a relationship to the individual in question - the latter is not engaged in "providing, coordinating or managing health care or related services" to the individual (the definition of "treatment"), so the former *cannot* be disclosing the PHI for that purpose.
The question then is, if the disclosure to the second pharmacist is not for purposes of treatment, what *is* the purpose of the disclosure? Once you have articulated that purpose accurately, you look at the rules to see if it is permitted, and if so under what conditions. If it is permitted, you disclose under the conditions the rule states (if any). If it is not permitted, you don't make the disclosure.
I guess at this point I'm not sure what the resistance or disagreement is about. I think the prudent approach is to read the rules and work within them, and I think they can be worked with to legitimately handle the kind of situation described in Rebekah's original scenario (which is what I am still responding to). There appears to be a disagreement with this position and I'd like those who disagree to clarify what their own position in fact is.
Is the disagreement based on the belief that this approach encroaches too much on traditional professional discretion of pharmacists to disclose patient information according to their own judgment, not according to bureaucratic rules? If so that is a legitimate position, one that has been articulated by a number of professionals in a number of settings, and one I sympathize with to an extent. But it is also a position that in the final analysis is about HIPAA resistance, not HIPAA compliance.
If the requirement to comply with bureaucratic rules improperly infringes on professional discretion, from the professional's point of view the solution is to abolish the rules (i.e., HIPAA), or to ignore them and be ready to take the consequences as a matter of taking the moral high ground against an intrusive government. But if you accept that the rules are legitimate, or at least that it is too risky to violate them, the solution is to read them and comply with them, and to the extent they do cause problems try to get HHS to reform them.
If this is not an accurate description of the basis for disagreement with the "read the rules" approach, it would be helpful to know what the basis for the disagreement in fact *is.* If we are going to have divergent standards for approaching compliance we better get them on the table so we know what we are talking about.
-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Rosenblum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 4:57 PM
To: WEDI SNIP Privacy Workgroup List
Subject: RE: Here is a good Privacy Issue that will cause problems



Under HIPAA, a pharmacist's job is to provide direct treatment services and to use and disclose related PHI in accordance with the privacy, security and TCS rules.  So  if a pharmacist needs to consult with other CE's in the neighbor (or to contact government offficials) to provide a clinically sound treatment service, how would HIPAA preclude those activities?


I hope that this helps.


Your questions are always welcome.




Matthew Rosenblum

Chief Operations Officer

Privacy, Quality Management & Regulatory Affairs


CPI Directions, Inc.

10 West 15th Street, Suite 1922

New York, NY 10011


(212) 675-6367



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-----Original Message-----
From: Christiansen, John (SEA) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Thursday, January 16, 2003 7:09 PM
To: WEDI SNIP Privacy Workgroup List
Subject: RE: Here is a good Privacy Issue that will cause problems


Hate to say it, but I disagree: Under HIPAA a pharmacist's job is to establish and comply with certain policies for privacy, security and electronic claims processing. It is a pharmacist's *professional* obligation to avoid (or mitigate) harm to individuals, and HIPAA is not intended to *interfere* with this. But HIPAA says nothing about mitigation of harm or professional standards.   

-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Rosenblum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Thursday, January 16, 2003 3:57 PM
To: WEDI SNIP Privacy Workgroup List
Subject: RE: Here is a good Privacy Issue that will cause problems



I must respectfully disagree with your fundamental analysis of this scenario.  Pharmacists (chemists) have, for more than 2000 years, been part of a triad (including physicians and nurses) engaged in an on-going clinical (NOT business) practice of ensuring that the correct medications and drugs are received by the correct patients.  Whenever we remove one of those clinical disciplines from the decision-making process, medication errors and mistakes are likely to increase.


It is NOT the intention of HIPAA to deter a good clinical practice.  Unfortunately, when unscrupulous people get hold of blank-prescriptions, innocent people may get hurt.  Under HIPAA, our responsibility then becomes mitigation of the harm.


I hope that this helps.


Your questions are always welcome.




Matthew Rosenblum

Chief Operations Officer

Privacy, Quality Management & Regulatory Affairs



CPI Directions, Inc.

10 West 15th Street, Suite 1922

New York, NY 10011


(212) 675-6367



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-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 6:00 PM
To: WEDI SNIP Privacy Workgroup List
Subject: RE: Here is a good Privacy Issue that will cause problems


In my personal opinion, this practice - violating patient privacy, in the name of detecting abuse by private businesses - which is (it appears to me) unsupported by statute (unless mandated by DEA regulation) - is contrary to both many state laws and HIPAA.  I agree the practice serves a valuable community need, as well as the needs of the abusing patient (intervention).  However, as it (as I see it) is NOT a law enforcement reporting issue, but rather a "home grown" solution, that business simply do out of common sense, the practice will either have to be suspended, with suspects reported to law enforcement - cutting out the Sherlock Holms detection engaged in by pharmacists in the process - or get a state statute passed to support and require the activity.  After all, it appears to me that what is really occurring here is abuse of privacy, and potentially serious defamation, and that a case might be made for damages if a person is placed on these distribution lists wrongly.  However, as I am not an attorney I can not pass on a formal opinion.  Just keep in mind that a person DOES NOT LOOSE ANY RIGHTS just because a pharmacist suspects abuse!!!  It is up to statutory law enforcement of investigate, and a court to determine if a crime has been committed, NOT A CE, regardless of their practices.  I am frankly amazed that we have not heard more litigation on this issue.




Tim McGuinness, Ph.D.
Consulting Specialist in Regulatory Privacy, Security, and Application Compliance

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