Of course it was, sorry, didn’t notice it!

2. Substitute this instrumented version of vantage.py for the one you have.
> Set debug=1, restart weewx, run it for a few loop packets (only a few are
> needed). Send the log. It will show the raw and processed values for
> sunrise and sunset. Be sure to set debug=1.
graham@rochelle:/usr/share/weewx/weewx/drivers$ tail -f /var/log/syslog |
grep weewx

Dec  1 10:13:16 rochelle weewx[18658]: vantage: Final sunrise (1480602360),
sunset (1480552860).

Dec  1 10:13:18 rochelle weewx[18658]: vantage: Raw sunrise (2226), sunset

Dec  1 10:13:18 rochelle weewx[18658]: vantage: Offset sunrise (80760),
sunset (31260).

Dec  1 10:13:18 rochelle weewx[18658]: vantage: Final sunrise (1480602360),
sunset (1480552860).

Dec  1 10:13:20 rochelle weewx[18658]: vantage: Raw sunrise (2226), sunset

Dec  1 10:13:20 rochelle weewx[18658]: vantage: Offset sunrise (80760),
sunset (31260).

Dec  1 10:13:20 rochelle weewx[18658]: vantage: Final sunrise (1480602360),
sunset (1480552860).

Dec  1 10:13:22 rochelle weewx[18658]: vantage: Raw sunrise (2226), sunset

Dec  1 10:13:22 rochelle weewx[18658]: vantage: Offset sunrise (80760),
sunset (31260).

Dec  1 10:13:22 rochelle weewx[18658]: vantage: Final sunrise (1480602360),
sunset (1480552860).

Dec  1 10:13:24 rochelle weewx[18658]: vantage: Raw sunrise (2226), sunset

Dec  1 10:13:24 rochelle weewx[18658]: vantage: Offset sunrise (80760),
sunset (31260).

What do we think?

Am I able to use the processed sunrise/sunset out of the loop packet or do
I need to query the almanac directly?


On 1 December 2016 at 10:11:00, Thomas Keffer (tkef...@gmail.com) wrote:

It was attached to the last message.

On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 6:08 PM, Graham Gear <graham.g...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Thomas.
> The timezone on the Vantage looks to be correct for Perth and I was able
> to set debug to 1 but could not find the instrumented version
> of vantage.py, in the source repository nor installed distribution, could
> you advise where this comes from?
> 1. Run the utility wee_device with the --info flag:
> *wee_device --info*
> This will show what time zone the Vantage is using. Post the results.
> graham@rochelle:~/dev/asystem$ sudo wee_device /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
> --info
> Using configuration file /etc/weewx/weewx.conf
> Using Vantage driver version 3.0.9 (weewx.drivers.vantage)
> Querying...
> Davis Vantage EEPROM settings:
>     CONSOLE TYPE:                   VantagePro2
>       Date:                         Jun  3 2013
>       Version:                      3.15
>       Archive interval:             1800 (seconds)
>       Altitude:                     630 (foot)
>       Wind cup type:                large
>       Rain bucket type:             0.01 inches
>       Rain year start:              1
>       Onboard time:                 2016-12-01 09:53:03
>       Barometer:                    mmHg
>       Temperature:                  degree_C
>       Rain:                         mm
>       Wind:                         meter_per_second
>       Latitude (onboard):           +31.5
>       Longitude (onboard):          -116.0
>       Use manual or auto DST?       MANUAL
>       DST setting:                  OFF
>       Use GMT offset or zone code?  ZONE_CODE
>       Time zone code:               38
>       GMT offset:                   N/A
> On 1 December 2016 at 09:48:54, Thomas Keffer (tkef...@gmail.com) wrote:
> 1. The vantage emits sunrise and sunset as a time offset since the start
> of the day as HHMM. Weewx converts this into the number of seconds since
> the start of day.
> 2. To this, is added the unix epoch time of the start of the day.
> So, if you're getting sunrise after a sunset, then the results of #1 must
> be wrong (adding a constant offset doesn't change their relative times).
> If you could do two things for me:
> 1. Run the utility wee_device with the --info flag:
> *wee_device --info*
> This will show what time zone the Vantage is using. Post the results.
> 2. Substitute this instrumented version of vantage.py for the one you
> have. Set debug=1, restart weewx, run it for a few loop packets (only a few
> are needed). Send the log. It will show the raw and processed values for
> sunrise and sunset. Be sure to set debug=1.
> -tk
> On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 4:37 PM, Graham Gear <graham.g...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am based in Perth, Western Australia in the AWST (GMT+8) timezone and
>> running weewx on a Debian machine with correctly setup timezone:
>> graham@rochelle:~/dev/asystem$ cat /etc/os-release
>> PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)"
>> NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
>> VERSION="8 (jessie)"
>> ID=raspbian
>> ID_LIKE=debian
>> HOME_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/";
>> SUPPORT_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/RaspbianForums";
>> BUG_REPORT_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/RaspbianBugs";
>> graham@rochelle:~/dev/asystem$ date
>> Thursday 1 December  08:23:21 AWST 2016
>> The Vantage is also setup timezone wise correctly and think that weewx
>> might do something on this in any case.
>> My issues is that I am unable to make head nor tail of the epochs I am
>> getting out of the Vantage loop packets, there doesn't seem to be a
>> timezone offset that would make sense of these, does anyone know how I can
>> interpret them?
>> The UI seems to do fine, although not sure if it is using the Vantage for
>> this or its own internal calculations. If the later, is there a nice way I
>> can get access to this (and other almanac details) from within a custom
>> service?
>> sunrise from loop packet: 1480602360
>> sunset from loop packet: 1480552860
>> sunrise from loop packet formated: 01/12/2016, 22:26:00 AWST
>> sunset from loop packet formated: 01/12/2016, 08:41:00 AWST
>> sunrise from UI: 05:02:10
>> sunset from UI: 19:07:23
>> Thanks for your help, perhaps I am missing something obvious, I always
>> find time hard!
>> Graham

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