
The wxmesh driver is not my software nor have I used it, but I will try to 
give you some help to move forward.

The issue you are having below is is that the driver is emitting a loop 
packet that does not contain the mandatory dateTime field. The driver would 
appear to be calculating an intermediate TIME field that appears to have a 
reasonable epoch timestamp but it is not being mapped to the weeWX dateTime 
field. Try adding an extra line to your [[label_map]] in weewx.conf as 

         TIME = dateTime
         temp = outTemp
         humi = outHumidity
         in_temp = inTemp
         in_humid = inHumidity

You will need to stop/start weeWX after making htis change. Not sure of the 
original author's intent but it would appear that something has been 
omitted from either the code or the instructions.


On Monday, 25 September 2017 00:42:51 UTC+10, Christian Peters wrote:
> Ok, just discovered: 
> no:
> weather/temp
> weather/humi...
> but this seems to work a little bit more.... 
> mosquitto_pub -h -t weather -m "TIME:0,temp:59,humi:60"
> (Not sure what format should be sent to the broker!? Maybe I sent wrong 
> format? Didn't find any information on the wiki or in the wxMesh-driver!?)
> .....but raises another error-got this in the log:
> Sep 24 16:33:56 debian weewx[2881]: wxMesh: Working on payload : Empty
> Sep 24 16:33:56 debian weewx[2881]: wxMesh: Sleeping for 5
> Sep 24 16:34:01 debian weewx[2881]: wxMesh: Got message 
> TIME:0,temp:59,humi:60
> Sep 24 16:34:01 debian weewx[2881]: wxMesh: Working on payload : 
> TIME:0,temp:59,humi:60
> Sep 24 16:34:01 debian weewx[2881]: wxMesh: key: TIME value: 1506263641
> Sep 24 16:34:01 debian weewx[2881]: wxMesh: key: temp value: 59
> Sep 24 16:34:01 debian weewx[2881]: wxMesh: key: humi value: 60
> Sep 24 16:34:01 debian weewx[2881]: engine: Main loop exiting. Shutting 
> engine down.
> Sep 24 16:34:01 debian weewx[2881]: engine: Caught unrecoverable exception 
> in engine:
> Sep 24 16:34:01 debian weewx[2881]:     ****  'dateTime'
> Sep 24 16:34:01 debian weewx[2881]:     ****  Traceback (most recent call 
> last):
> Sep 24 16:34:01 debian weewx[2881]:     ****    File 
> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 871, in main
> Sep 24 16:34:01 debian weewx[2881]:     ****      engine.run()
> Sep 24 16:34:01 debian weewx[2881]:     ****    File 
> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 190, in run
> Sep 24 16:34:01 debian weewx[2881]:     ****      
> self.dispatchEvent(weewx.Event(weewx.NEW_LOOP_PACKET, packet=packet))
> Sep 24 16:34:01 debian weewx[2881]:     ****    File 
> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 223, in dispatchEvent
> Sep 24 16:34:01 debian weewx[2881]:     ****      callback(event)
> Sep 24 16:34:01 debian weewx[2881]:     ****    File 
> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/engine.py", line 420, in new_loop_packet
> Sep 24 16:34:01 debian weewx[2881]:     ****      
> self.qc.apply_qc(event.packet, 'LOOP')
> Sep 24 16:34:01 debian weewx[2881]:     ****    File 
> "/usr/share/weewx/weewx/qc.py", line 62, in apply_qc
> Sep 24 16:34:01 debian weewx[2881]:     ****      
> weeutil.weeutil.timestamp_to_string(data_dict['dateTime']),
> Sep 24 16:34:01 debian weewx[2881]:     ****  KeyError: 'dateTime'
> Sep 24 16:34:01 debian weewx[2881]:     ****  Exiting.

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