Christian, I wrote the wxMesh driver, and bonjour81 
<> improved it with his fork. He changed it to 
publish each datum separately. My  version expects an MQTT publication on 
the topic "weather" that looks like this text string:


namely key:value pairs with a colon between the key and value, and a comma 
between the pairs. The label_map section in wxMesh config maps the keys to 
weewx values. My configuration is:

    driver = user.wxMesh

    # MQTT specifics
    host = localhost           # MQTT broker hostname
    client = XXXXX
    username = XXXXX
    password = XXXXX
    topic = weather          # topic is all weather (indoor and outdoor, 

    poll_interval = 1

    TIME = dateTime
    HUMT = outTemp
    RHUM = outHumidity
    INTE = inTemp
    INHU = inHumidity
    BARP = barometer
    IRRA = radiation
    PHOV = supplyVoltage
    BATV = consBatteryVoltage
    AMBT = extraTemp1
    SYST = extraTemp2
    WDIR = windDir
    WIND = windSpeed

Not every publication has to have every possible key. I have an outdoor 
station which provides some data, and a separate indoor one which provides 
indoor temperature and humidity. The wxMesh driver subscription brings both 
in, pushes them in to baseline weewx, which magically combines them into 
loop packets.

Sparse documentation is here 

Also, my driver does not attempt to reconnect if it loses the connection to 
the MQTT broker. That would be a nice enhancement. I don't have issues with 
staying connected on my setup, so this is only an issue when I restart 

I'm currently spending my free time building hardware (an anemometer right 
now), so haven't made improvements to wxMesh a priority.

I currently use nrf24L01 radios, but plan to switch to rfm69 for increased 
range. I could share the station software which reads the radio traffic and 
publishes MQTT with you if that would help.

On Monday, 25 September 2017 19:22:27 UTC-3, Christian Peters wrote:
> Hm...wxMesh and even a python test script using paho.mqtt lost connection 
> from time to time. 
> But the python demo script reconnects while wxMesh seems not to reconnect 
> so the empty payload starts and didn't recover. wxMQTT seems to 
> reconnect...but it anyway stops after a while grabbing data.....(IP ....153 
> (debian))!  
> 1506377499: New client connected from as weewx_mqttc (c1, 
> k60, u'default_usernameXXX').
> 1506377506: New connection from on port 1883.
> 1506377506: New client connected from as mosqpub|7457-balin 
> (c1, k60).
> 1506377506: Client mosqpub|7457-balin disconnected.
> 1506377506: New connection from on port 1883.
> 1506377506: New client connected from as mosqpub|7459-balin 
> (c1, k60).
> 1506377506: Client mosqpub|7459-balin disconnected.
> 1506377516: New connection from on port 1883.
> 1506377516: New client connected from as mosqpub|7462-balin 
> (c1, k60).
> 1506377516: Client mosqpub|7462-balin disconnected.
> 1506377516: New connection from on port 1883.
> 1506377516: New client connected from as mosqpub|7464-balin 
> (c1, k60).
> 1506377516: Client mosqpub|7464-balin disconnected.
> 1506377517: Client mosqsub/4185-debian has exceeded timeout, disconnecting.
> 1506377517: Socket error on client mosqsub/4185-debian, disconnecting.
> 1506377520: New connection from on port 1883.
> Sadly I'm not able to fix this....maybe someone will read this and maybe 
> have a look on the wexMesh/wxMQQT driver....
> In the thread Neil posted there was a hint that we have to take care that 
> if the connection is lost to the broker the driver has to reconnect...but 
> this seems not to be working inside weewx?
> Regards,
> Christian 

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