Tom, in case I would like to create my own database schema, is it enough to 
just remove the cloumns from the dictionary in this file: 
.\weewx\bin\schemas\'' ?
Seems like weewx still tries to write to removed database columns when 
trying to save a record.

Would really appreciate it in case you could name at least some files off 
the cuff that I have to look into.
Thanks :)

On Friday, February 15, 2019 at 11:23:00 PM UTC+1, Tom Keffer wrote:
> If you're going to all the trouble of creating a custom database schema, 
> you can certainly make additional changes to suit your needs. Just be 
> careful not to drop something you'll need for your reports.
> However, you'll find removing unused observation types does not save as 
> much space as you think. A major part of the database is the index, which 
> will still be there.
> As far as what's the best practice? I'd say, do what Google does: save 
> everything. Storage is cheap.
> -tk
> On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 11:50 AM Henry Denston < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Hi Tom,
>> thank you very much for your great reply! :)
>> I do not have an existing database yet.
>> I already read the  *Adding a new type to the database 
>> <> *section in the 
>> Customizing Guide, however was confused as I thought this only applies in 
>> case one wants to add a new observation type that is not present in weewx 
>> yet (as in the example electricity).
>> I wanted to add additional radiation sources (and there is already the 
>> radiation observation type implemented in weewx), so I thought by using an 
>> already existing observation type I might not need to adjust the database 
>> structure.
>> Your answer however, clearly shows how to make the required changes, 
>> thank you very much! (Maybe add this little example to the docs, right next 
>> to the electricity eample? :))
>> *Another question:*
>> By using the file user/ additional sensors can be added to 
>> weewx as you have presented.
>> Is it best practice to just append additionally required sensors to 
>> the standard weewx database structure or should I (make some additional 
>> changes to) 'rebuild' the used database structure for my system?
>> For example in case I intend to use only about 8 sensors/values in my 
>> current system (e.g.: dateTime, usUnits, windSpeed, outTemp, radiation, 
>> radiation1, radiation2, radiation3) I could remove all additional values in 
>> the database that I will not use (e.g. barometer, pressure, altimeter, 
>> inTemp, etc....) ? Would love to hear your opinion on that.
>> Thank you very much, Henry.
>> On Friday, February 15, 2019 at 7:51:13 PM UTC+1, Tom Keffer wrote:
>>> Yes, your strategy would work, and your names (radiation1, radiation2, 
>>> and radiation3) are sensible names to give the extra sensors.
>>> You would have to change the database schema to accommodate the extra 
>>> sensors. 
>>> Do you have an existing database, to which you want to add the new 
>>> observation types? If so, then follow the instructions in the Customizing 
>>> Guide, section *Adding a new type to the database 
>>> <>*. If there is 
>>> something that is confusing about the instructions, let us know what the 
>>> problem is so we can clarify and, perhaps, update the documents and make it 
>>> clearer.
>>> If you do not have an existing database, then it is slightly easier. To 
>>> the bottom of the file user/, add the following: 
>>> import schemas.wview
>>> radiation_schema = schemas.wview.schema + [
>>>     ('radiation1'', 'REAL'),
>>>     ('radiation2'', 'REAL'),
>>>     ('radiation3'', 'REAL'),
>>> ]
>>> Then go into your weewx.conf and change the [DataBindings] and 
>>> [Databases] section so they look like this:
>>> [DataBindings]
>>>     [[wx_binding]]
>>>         # The database must match one of the sections in [Databases].
>>>         # This is likely to be the only option you would want to change.
>>>         database = archive_sqlite
>>>         # The name of the table within the database
>>>         table_name = archive
>>>         # The manager handles aggregation of data for historical summaries
>>>         manager = weewx.wxmanager.WXDaySummaryManager
>>>         # The schema defines the structure of the database.
>>>         # It is *only* used when the database is created.
>>>         schema = user.extensions.radiation_schema
>>> ##############################################################################
>>> #   This section defines various databases.
>>> [Databases]
>>>     # A SQLite database is simply a single file
>>>     [[archive_sqlite]]
>>>         database_name = radiation.sdb
>>>         database_type = SQLite
>>>     # MySQL
>>>     [[archive_mysql]]
>>>         database_name = weewx
>>>         database_type = MySQL
>>> Restart WeeWX.
>>> WeeWX will now use the new database radiation.sdb, which will have the 
>>> new SQL columns.
>>> -tk
>>> On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 8:51 AM Henry Denston <> wrote:
>>>> Hello everyone!
>>>> I'm currently developing a custom weather station (a microcontroller 
>>>> collecting data from custom sensors and forwarding it to a RaspberryPi).
>>>> I already read the customization guide multiple times and started to 
>>>> develop a custom weewx-driver for my custom weather station.
>>>> The customization guide offers some very valuable insights. However, I 
>>>> still have some questions and misunderstandings I guess, so I hope some 
>>>> experienced users/developers can help me out. :)
>>>> As already stated I started developing my own driver, I also edited the 
>>>> weewx.conf and my custom driver is loaded when I start weewx with: sudo 
>>>> ./bin/weewxd weewx.conf (it yields/prints packets)
>>>> I checked the sql table structures in the documentation and now I'm not 
>>>> sure how to save my custom sensors values.
>>>> For example: I have a windsensor (measuring windspeed only), a 
>>>> temperature sensor and 4 pyranometer sensors of different kind measuring 
>>>> the sun irradiation.
>>>> Now in my custon driver I know that I can store/assign the windspeed 
>>>> and temperature like this for example:
>>>> data = dict()
>>>> data['dateTime'] = int(data_array[0])  # unix timestamp
>>>> data['usUnits'] = weewx.METRIC
>>>> data['windSpeed'] = float(data_array[1])  # Anemometer measuring windspeed 
>>>> only
>>>> data['outTemp'] = float(data_array[0])  # PT100 measuring temperature 
>>>> outside
>>>> yield data  
>>>> So this should be straight forward if I understand correctly.
>>>> But how do I store my irradiation values from the various pyranomerters?
>>>> It seems that in the expected database structure there is only one 
>>>> column for irradiation available.
>>>> How can I store it so WeeWx can use it in its reports and archives?
>>>> I have smth. like this in mind:
>>>> data['radiation'] = float(dataset_array_sensor[2])  # pyranometer 1
>>>> data['radiation1'] = float(dataset_array_sensor[3])  # pyranometer 2
>>>> data['radiation2'] = float(dataset_array_sensor[4])  # pyranometer 3
>>>> data['radiation3'] = float(dataset_array_sensor[5])  # pyranometer 4
>>>> Would this work?
>>>> Do I have to change the sql database structure for it to work? (I plan 
>>>> to use sqlite for it as its easier to use it out of the box)
>>>> If so, how would I do it?
>>>> I did read the customization guide multiple times but I'm really 
>>>> confused regarding this.
>>>> I hope you can give me a hint into the right direction (I think I'm 
>>>> probably way overthinking this and just missing a small detail)
>>>> Thank you very much in advance! :)
>>>> Best regards, Henry.

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