Yes, I've read 

>From the combined two sections, I can see how to add the columns.
However, it wasn't clear what f I need to write code like listed in 

That section shows a function : download_total_power()
which magically gets the reading of the current total power ever used.
That's what I wasn't sure about.   

>From what I'm reading between the lines here, it seems that I'm hearing 
that if I can generated a LOOP record for say H2.
If I just add columns (as per the add_archive_type) it will get 
"automagically" mapped?

Currently I output records like this : 

For a new gas record I'd output a record like this 
{"dateTime":1593627602,"h2":.0002} (for whatever value I have)

That plus what's in the add_archive_type link is all that's required?


On Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 2:05:44 PM UTC-4 wrote:

> This is what I was thinking needs to be done to accumulate loop data into 
> archive data
> rich
> On Wednesday, 1 July 2020 14:02:22 UTC-4, Rich Bell wrote:
>> Woops, my bad... I think I remember there might bevanother step to tell 
>> WeeWX to put it in the archive record.I’ll do a bit more research
>> rich
>> On Wednesday, 1 July 2020 13:54:37 UTC-4, Rich Bell wrote:
>>> Earl,
>>> I’ll take a first crack at this, and the WeeWX experts can clarify/help 
>>> as needed. WeeWX really does all the heavily lifting. Whatever name/values 
>>> are in the loop data that MQTTSubscribe generates will be accumulated into 
>>> an archive record. You should see this happening if you run WeeWX from the 
>>> command line.
>>> But, if the name is not known to WeeWX, it will not be added to the 
>>> database. Note, I’ve never done this, but I’d start by reading this 
>>> rich
>>> On Wednesday, 1 July 2020 13:32:33 UTC-4, Earl Baugh wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I'm new to weewx and would like to add some additional data being 
>>>> collected by some gas sensors that I have installed at my house (they help 
>>>> track gases that some other data sites track as part of pollution tracking)
>>>> I read the section on Adding a Second Datasource, but that doesn't 
>>>> quite match my use case.    I'm feeding all data into the system via the 
>>>> WeeWX-MQTTSubscribe <> 
>>>> add on.  I have an outside program that is pulling data from the sensors 
>>>> periodically and then posting it to MQTT, and the WeeWX-MQTTSubscribe 
>>>> ingests the data turning in into LOOP records (at least that's my current 
>>>> level of understanding... I'm only on day 3 here with weewx...)
>>>> This works fine for the data that maps to existing fields.  However, I 
>>>> also gather data on C2H5OH, C3H8, C4H10, CH4 and H2.... (the quality of 
>>>> which I am still assessing, but it's at least being measured by the 
>>>> sensors)
>>>> Looking at the Adding a Second Datasorce example comes close, but it's 
>>>> not clear to me how to get the data from the LOOP record into the archive 
>>>> record (the new_archive_record function).    
>>>> Is there an example I've just missed in my readings?  Or could someone 
>>>> point me towards an example of an add on that adds this?
>>>> Thanks in advance!
>>>> Earl

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