Hi John,

I'm just about to test your extension. The installation is on a raspi that 
gets its data only via SDR. There is no station connected. Barometer data 
is not available on this test system.
shortly after the start of weewx there is this error:

Jul  9 10:14:02 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Session c3 of user pi.
Jul  9 10:14:14 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Stopping LSB: weewx weather 
Jul  9 10:14:14 raspberrypi weewx[2147]: Stopping weewx weather system: 
weewx not running....
Jul  9 10:14:14 raspberrypi systemd[1]: weewx.service: Succeeded.
Jul  9 10:14:14 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Stopped LSB: weewx weather system.
Jul  9 10:14:14 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Starting LSB: weewx weather 
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2167] INFO __main__: Initializing weewx 
version 4.0.0
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2167] INFO __main__: Using Python 3.7.3 
(default, Dec 20 2019, 18:57:59) #012[GCC 8.3.0]
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2167] INFO __main__: Platform 
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2167] INFO __main__: Locale is 
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2167] INFO __main__: PID file is 
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2171] INFO __main__: Using configuration 
file /home/weewx/weewx.conf
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2171] INFO weewx.engine: Loading station 
type SDR (user.sdr)
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2157]: Starting weewx weather system: 
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started LSB: weewx weather system.
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2171] INFO user.sdr: driver version is 
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2171] INFO user.sdr: sensor map is 
{'outTemp': 'temperature.1:8.HidekiTS04Packet', 'outHumidity': 
'humidity.1:8.HidekiTS04Packet', 'extraTemp1': 
'temperature.2:10.HidekiTS04Packet', 'extraHumid1': 
'humidity.2:10.HidekiTS04Packet', 'batteryStatus1': 
'battery.2:10.HidekiTS04Packet', 'extraTemp2': 
'temperature.3:1.HidekiTS04Packet', 'extraHumid2': 
'humidity.3:1.HidekiTS04Packet', 'batteryStatus2': 
'battery.3:1.HidekiTS04Packet', 'extraTemp3': 
'temperature.4:13.HidekiTS04Packet', 'extraHumid3': 
'humidity.4:13.HidekiTS04Packet', 'batteryStatus3': 
'battery.4:13.HidekiTS04Packet', 'extraTemp4': 
'temperature.5:8.HidekiTS04Packet', 'extraHumid4': 
'humidity.5:8.HidekiTS04Packet', 'batteryStatus4': 
'battery.5:8.HidekiTS04Packet', 'extraTemp6': 
'temperature.220.inFactoryPacket', 'extraHumid6': 
'humidity.220.inFactoryPacket', 'batteryStatus6': 
'battery.220.inFactoryPacket', 'extraTemp7': 
'temperature.15.inFactoryPacket', 'extraHumid7': 
'humidity.15.inFactoryPacket', 'batteryStatus7': 
'battery.15.inFactoryPacket', 'extraTemp8': 
'temperature.3:12.HidekiTS04Packet', 'extraHumid8': 
'humidity.3:12.HidekiTS04Packet', 'batteryStatus8': 
'battery.3:12.HidekiTS04Packet', 'extraTemp9': 
'temperature.3:14.HidekiTS04Packet', 'extraHumid9': 
'humidity.3:14.HidekiTS04Packet', 'batteryStatus9': 
'battery.3:14.HidekiTS04Packet', 'extraTemp10': 
'temperature.3:15.HidekiTS04Packet', 'extraHumid10': 
'humidity.3:15.HidekiTS04Packet', 'batteryStatus10': 
'battery.3:15.HidekiTS04Packet', 'windSpeed': 
'wind_speed.4:7.HidekiWindPacket', 'windDir': 
'wind_dir.4:7.HidekiWindPacket', 'windGust': 
'wind_gust.4:7.HidekiWindPacket', 'windBatteryStatus': 
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2171] INFO user.sdr: deltas is {'rain': 
'rain_total', 'strikes': 'strikes_total'}
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2171] INFO user.sdr: startup process 
'/usr/local/bin/rtl_433 -f 433.92M -M utc -F json -M oldmodel'
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2171] INFO weewx.engine: StdConvert 
target unit is 0x10
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2171] INFO weewx.wxservices: The 
following values will be calculated: pressure=prefer_hardware, 
barometer=prefer_software, altimeter=prefer_hardware, 
windchill=prefer_hardware, heatindex=prefer_hardware, 
dewpoint=prefer_hardware, inDewpoint=prefer_hardware, 
rainRate=prefer_hardware, maxSolarRad=prefer_hardware, 
cloudbase=prefer_software, humidex=prefer_hardware, 
appTemp=prefer_hardware, ET=prefer_hardware, windrun=prefer_hardware
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2171] INFO weewx.wxservices: The 
following algorithms will be used for calculations: altimeter=aaASOS, 
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2171] INFO weewx.engine: Archive will use 
data binding wx_binding
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2171] INFO weewx.engine: Record 
generation will be attempted in 'hardware'
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2171] INFO weewx.engine: Using archive 
interval of 300 seconds (specified in weewx configuration)
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2171] INFO weewx.restx: StationRegistry: 
Registration not requested.
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2171] INFO weewx.restx: Wunderground: 
Posting not enabled.
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2171] INFO weewx.restx: PWSweather: 
Posting not enabled.
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2171] INFO weewx.restx: CWOP: Posting not 
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2171] INFO weewx.restx: WOW: Posting not 
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2171] INFO weewx.restx: AWEKAS: Posting 
not enabled.
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2171] INFO user.loopdata: Service version 
is 1.3.17.
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2171] INFO user.loopdata: LoopData file 
is: /home/weewx/public_html/loop-data.txt
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2171] INFO __main__: Starting up weewx 
version 4.0.0
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2171] INFO weewx.engine: Using binding 
'wx_binding' to database 'weewx_sdr2'
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2171] INFO weewx.manager: Starting 
backfill of daily summaries
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2171] INFO weewx.engine: Starting main 
packet loop.
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2171] INFO weewx.engine: Main loop 
exiting. Shutting engine down.
Jul  9 10:14:15 raspberrypi weewx[2171] INFO user.sdr: shutdown process 
/usr/local/bin/rtl_433 -f 433.92M -M utc -F json -M oldmodel
Jul  9 10:14:30 raspberrypi weewx[2171] INFO user.sdr: timed out waiting 
for stderr-thread
Jul  9 10:14:37 raspberrypi weewx[2171] CRITICAL __main__: Caught 
unrecoverable exception:
Jul  9 10:14:37 raspberrypi weewx[2171] CRITICAL __main__:     ****  must 
be real number, not NoneType
Jul  9 10:14:37 raspberrypi weewx[2171] CRITICAL __main__:     ****  
Traceback (most recent call last):
Jul  9 10:14:37 raspberrypi weewx[2171] CRITICAL __main__:     ****    File 
"/home/weewx/bin/weewxd", line 154, in main
Jul  9 10:14:37 raspberrypi weewx[2171] CRITICAL __main__:     ****      
Jul  9 10:14:37 raspberrypi weewx[2171] CRITICAL __main__:     ****    File 
"/home/weewx/bin/weewx/engine.py", line 177, in run
Jul  9 10:14:37 raspberrypi weewx[2171] CRITICAL __main__:     ****      
Jul  9 10:14:37 raspberrypi weewx[2171] CRITICAL __main__:     ****    File 
"/home/weewx/bin/weewx/engine.py", line 224, in dispatchEvent
Jul  9 10:14:37 raspberrypi weewx[2171] CRITICAL __main__:     ****      
Jul  9 10:14:37 raspberrypi weewx[2171] CRITICAL __main__:     ****    File 
"/home/weewx/bin/user/loopdata.py", line 257, in pre_loop
Jul  9 10:14:37 raspberrypi weewx[2171] CRITICAL __main__:     ****      
barometer_readings = self.fill_in_barometer_readings_at_startup(dbm)
Jul  9 10:14:37 raspberrypi weewx[2171] CRITICAL __main__:     ****    File 
"/home/weewx/bin/user/loopdata.py", line 288, in 
Jul  9 10:14:37 raspberrypi weewx[2171] CRITICAL __main__:     ****      
timestamp_to_string(reading.timestamp), reading.value))
Jul  9 10:14:37 raspberrypi weewx[2171] CRITICAL __main__:     ****  
TypeError: must be real number, not NoneType
Jul  9 10:14:37 raspberrypi weewx[2171] CRITICAL __main__:     ****  

kind regards

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