If you get a "no such table" error, it's probably because you're running
sqlite3 on an empty database.

I know you checked for that, but your check was on a different sqlite file.
Run the check on backup.sdb (not mydb.sdb)


On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 6:52 AM, Richard Cain <richardtc...@gmail.com>

> I have some erroneous data which I want to delete so I thought I would
> follow the instructions on the weewx github file: cleaning up old 'bad'
> data. I copied my weewx database file to my Desktop and renamed it
> backup.sdb and checked it was the same size as the original. I then copied
> the instructions but got the following:
> richard@richard-ub1710:~/Desktop$ echo "SELECT * FROM archive WHERE
> (windGust  > 50);" | sqlite3 backup.sdbrichard@richard-ub1710:~/Desktop$
> echo "UPDATE archive SET windGust=NULL  WHERE (windGust  > 50);" | sqlite3
> mydb.sdbError: near line 1: no such table: archive
> richard@richard-ub1710:~/Desktop$ sqlite3 backup.sdbSQLite version 3.19.3
> 2017-06-08 14:26:16Enter ".help" for usage hints.sqlite> .tablesarchive
>                          archive_day_outTemp             archive_day_ET
>                   archive_day_outTempBatteryStatusarchive_day_UV
>           archive_day_pressure            archive_day__metadata
>    archive_day_radiation           archive_day_altimeter
>  archive_day_rain                archive_day_barometer
>  archive_day_rainBatteryStatus   archive_day_consBatteryVoltage
> archive_day_rainRate            archive_day_dewpoint
> archive_day_referenceVoltage    archive_day_extraHumid1
>  archive_day_rxCheckPercent      archive_day_extraHumid2
>  archive_day_soilMoist1          archive_day_extraTemp1
> archive_day_soilMoist2          archive_day_extraTemp2
> archive_day_soilMoist3          archive_day_extraTemp3
> archive_day_soilMoist4          archive_day_hail
> archive_day_soilTemp1           archive_day_hailRate
> archive_day_soilTemp2           archive_day_heatindex
>  archive_day_soilTemp3           archive_day_heatingTemp
>  archive_day_soilTemp4           archive_day_heatingVoltage
> archive_day_supplyVoltage       archive_day_inHumidity
> archive_day_txBatteryStatus     archive_day_inTemp
> archive_day_wind                archive_day_inTempBatteryStatus
>  archive_day_windBatteryStatus   archive_day_leafTemp1
>  archive_day_windDir             archive_day_leafTemp2
>  archive_day_windGust            archive_day_leafWet1
> archive_day_windGustDir         archive_day_leafWet2
> archive_day_windSpeed           archive_day_outHumidity
>  archive_day_windchill           sqlite>
> --
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