They just keep coming don't they!

What is happening with the FtpGenerator error is that when rtgd creates 
gauge-data.txt it actually builds the file in gauge-data.txt.tmp and once 
the file is complete it is copied to gauge-data.txt. This is known as an 
atomic write and is done to lessen the chance that gauge-data.txt is open 
for writing (by rtgd) and thus unavailable for access by other processes. 
The .tmp file is created in the same directory as gauge-data.txt. When 
FtpGenerator kicks off it gathers the details of the files it is to upload 
and then works its way through uploading each in turn (so it could be some 
seconds after gathering the list that the file is uploaded), if the .tmp 
file exists when the FtpGenerator gathers its list of files it is included 
for upload but if the .tmp file is subsequently removed you get the 
FtpGenerator error you are seeing. If you like, the holes in the swiss 
cheese are aligning to cause the error, the more frequent gauge-data.txt is 
produced and the more frequent the FtpGenerator is run the more chance of 
the holes aligning and the error occurring.

The long term fix is for me to change rtgd to create the .tmp file 
somewhere that is unlikely to be uploaded by the FtpGenerator. You can work 
around the issue by changing the location in which that gauge-data.txt is 
created. Edit weewx.conf and under [RealtimeGaugeData] comment out the 
rtgd_path setting (it will then use the default of /var/tmp) or change it 
to something else not used by weeWX. Save weewx.conf and restart weeWX or 
do a config reload. If you are transferring the rtgd generated 
gauge-data.txt to a remote server the location of gauge-data.txt is not 
important, it's location is only important if using the file on the weeWX 
machine (eg your weeWX machine is also your web server) but in such cases 
chances are you are not uploading via FTP.


PS. I'll drop you an email sometime re astronomy to hear what you are up to.

On Saturday, 27 October 2018 00:07:29 UTC+10, Steve2Q wrote:
> Hi Gary.
> The gauge 2 second loops are working perfectly now.
> I did the changes, however that started throwing errors (I always watch 
> syslog for a bit to see if anything obvious happens).
> Attached is syslog. Once I saw the errors I did the following: Put the 
> comments back in weewx.conf in[StandartReport][[SteelGauges]], and changed 
> to debug = 1. I left in the change you recommended in skins/ss/skin.conf. I 
> restarted weewx at 9:11 and let in run until 9:43. 
> Next I uncommented the [[SteelGauges]] section in weewx.conf, and 
> restarted at 9:45. I only let in run for a few minutes because weewx would 
> not start. I then recommented [[SteelGauges]], set debug = 0, and that is 
> where I am now.
> Besides the "parsing" error at 9:45, I find the "unrecoverable exception" 
> at 9:17:13 of interest (and you can see it occurred earlier before I made 
> ANY of the changes like at 6:43.
> Steve
> Seems like we have some other common interests. Astronomy is also one of 
> mine.
> Steve

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