Luc, Gary good info, great insight. Thanks for that... It all makes sense
and wasn't something I had considered previously.

I'm on holiday today, but Luc if you want to submit a pull request that
would be great. Otherwise I can merge this myself after some testing

On Mon, Feb 18, 2019, 11:37 AM Luc Heijst < wrote:

> On Sunday, 17 February 2019 15:48:47 UTC-3, Pat wrote:
>>  I think I'll leave it alone for now unless you have insight on that?
> Hi Pat,
> I have a working solution.
> In
> Change:
>         # Find what kind of database we're working with and specify the
> correctly tailored SQL Query for each type of database
>         dbtype =
> self.generator.config_dict['DataBindings']['wx_binding']['database']
>         if dbtype == "archive_sqlite":
>             year_rainiest_month_sql = 'SELECT strftime("%%m",
> datetime(dateTime, "unixepoch")) as month, ROUND( SUM( sum ), 2 ) as total
> FROM archive_day_rain WHERE strftime("%%Y", datetime(dateTime,
> "unixepoch")) = "%s" GROUP BY month ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 1;' %
> time.strftime( "%Y", time.localtime( time.time() ) )
>             at_rainiest_month_sql = 'SELECT strftime("%m",
> datetime(dateTime, "unixepoch")) as month, strftime("%Y",
> datetime(dateTime, "unixepoch")) as year, ROUND( SUM( sum ), 2 ) as total
> FROM archive_day_rain GROUP BY month, year ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 1;'
>             year_rain_data_sql = 'SELECT dateTime, ROUND( sum, 2 ) FROM
> archive_day_rain WHERE strftime("%%Y", datetime(dateTime, "unixepoch")) =
> "%s";' % time.strftime( "%Y", time.localtime( time.time() ) )
>             at_rain_data_sql = 'SELECT dateTime, ROUND( sum, 2 ) FROM
> archive_day_rain;'
>             # The all stats from
> doesn't seem to calculate "Total Rainfall for" all time stat correctly.
>             at_rain_highest_year_sql = 'SELECT strftime("%Y",
> datetime(dateTime, "unixepoch")) as year, ROUND( SUM( sum ), 2 ) as total
> FROM archive_day_rain GROUP BY year ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 1;'
>         elif dbtype == "archive_mysql":
>             year_rainiest_month_sql = 'SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME( dateTime,
> "%%m" ) AS month, ROUND( SUM( sum ), 2 ) AS total FROM archive_day_rain
> WHERE year( FROM_UNIXTIME( dateTime ) ) = "{0}" GROUP BY month ORDER BY
> total DESC LIMIT 1;'.format( time.strftime( "%Y", time.localtime(
> time.time() ) ) ) # Why does this one require .format() but the other's
> don't?
>             at_rainiest_month_sql = 'SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME( dateTime, "%%m"
> ) AS month, FROM_UNIXTIME( dateTime, "%%Y" ) AS year, ROUND( SUM( sum ), 2
> ) AS total FROM archive_day_rain GROUP BY month, year ORDER BY total DESC
> LIMIT 1;'
>             year_rain_data_sql = 'SELECT dateTime, ROUND( sum, 2 ) FROM
> archive_day_rain WHERE year( FROM_UNIXTIME( dateTime ) ) = "%s";' %
> time.strftime( "%Y", time.localtime( time.time() ) )
>             at_rain_data_sql = 'SELECT dateTime, ROUND( sum, 2 ) FROM
> archive_day_rain;'
>             # The all stats from
> doesn't seem to calculate "Total Rainfall for" all time stat correctly.
>             at_rain_highest_year_sql = 'SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME( dateTime,
> "%%Y" ) AS year, ROUND( SUM( sum ), 2 ) AS total FROM archive_day_rain
> into:
>         # Find what kind of database we're working with and specify the
> correctly tailored SQL Query for each type of database
>         dataBinding =
> self.generator.config_dict['StdArchive']['data_binding']
>         database =
> self.generator.config_dict['DataBindings'][dataBinding]['database']
>         databaseType =
> self.generator.config_dict['Databases'][database]['database_type']
>         driver =
> self.generator.config_dict['DatabaseTypes'][databaseType]['driver']
>         if driver == "weedb.sqlite":
>             year_rainiest_month_sql = 'SELECT strftime("%%m",
> datetime(dateTime, "unixepoch")) as month, ROUND( SUM( sum ), 2 ) as total
> FROM archive_day_rain WHERE strftime("%%Y", datetime(dateTime,
> "unixepoch")) = "%s" GROUP BY month ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 1;' %
> time.strftime( "%Y", time.localtime( time.time() ) )
>             at_rainiest_month_sql = 'SELECT strftime("%m",
> datetime(dateTime, "unixepoch")) as month, strftime("%Y",
> datetime(dateTime, "unixepoch")) as year, ROUND( SUM( sum ), 2 ) as total
> FROM archive_day_rain GROUP BY month, year ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 1;'
>             year_rain_data_sql = 'SELECT dateTime, ROUND( sum, 2 ) FROM
> archive_day_rain WHERE strftime("%%Y", datetime(dateTime, "unixepoch")) =
> "%s";' % time.strftime( "%Y", time.localtime( time.time() ) )
>             at_rain_data_sql = 'SELECT dateTime, ROUND( sum, 2 ) FROM
> archive_day_rain;'
>             # The all stats from
> doesn't seem to calculate "Total Rainfall for" all time stat correctly.
>             at_rain_highest_year_sql = 'SELECT strftime("%Y",
> datetime(dateTime, "unixepoch")) as year, ROUND( SUM( sum ), 2 ) as total
> FROM archive_day_rain GROUP BY year ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 1;'
>         elif driver == "weedb.mysql":
>             year_rainiest_month_sql = 'SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME( dateTime,
> "%%m" ) AS month, ROUND( SUM( sum ), 2 ) AS total FROM archive_day_rain
> WHERE year( FROM_UNIXTIME( dateTime ) ) = "{0}" GROUP BY month ORDER BY
> total DESC LIMIT 1;'.format( time.strftime( "%Y", time.localtime(
> time.time() ) ) ) # Why does this one require .format() but the other's
> don't?
>             at_rainiest_month_sql = 'SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME( dateTime, "%%m"
> ) AS month, FROM_UNIXTIME( dateTime, "%%Y" ) AS year, ROUND( SUM( sum ), 2
> ) AS total FROM archive_day_rain GROUP BY month, year ORDER BY total DESC
> LIMIT 1;'
>             year_rain_data_sql = 'SELECT dateTime, ROUND( sum, 2 ) FROM
> archive_day_rain WHERE year( FROM_UNIXTIME( dateTime ) ) = "%s";' %
> time.strftime( "%Y", time.localtime( time.time() ) )
>             at_rain_data_sql = 'SELECT dateTime, ROUND( sum, 2 ) FROM
> archive_day_rain;'
>             # The all stats from
> doesn't seem to calculate "Total Rainfall for" all time stat correctly.
>             at_rain_highest_year_sql = 'SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME( dateTime,
> "%%Y" ) AS year, ROUND( SUM( sum ), 2 ) AS total FROM archive_day_rain
> For my situation the log info was:
> Feb 18 11:18:49 pi21 wee_reports[20273]: Belchertown Extension:
> dataBinding vpro_binding
> Feb 18 11:18:49 pi21 wee_reports[20273]: Belchertown Extension: database
> vpro_mysql
> Feb 18 11:18:49 pi21 wee_reports[20273]: Belchertown Extension:
> databaseType MySQL
> Feb 18 11:18:49 pi21 wee_reports[20273]: Belchertown Extension: driver
> weedb.mysql
> With this modification the Belchertown reports finished without errors.
> Cheers, Luc
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