> On May 27, 2019, at 12:12 AM, gjr80 <gjroder...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Monday, 27 May 2019 13:16:53 UTC+10, Leon Shaner wrote:
>> [snip]
>> If you can see any shorter paths to a more reliable outcome than I have 
>> achieved so far, then you know know know I will be very grateful.  =D
> I am not sure what local/UTC issue you refer to. When I do a 
> api.weather.com/v2/pws/history query on a station to the east of Greenwich I 
> am returned all records for the date specified (eg 20190525 gives me all 
> records for 25 May 2019), each record contains an epoch timestamp which is 
> correct and consistent with 25 May 2019. Everything is as I would expect. 
> However, when I perform the same query on a station to the west of Greenwich 
> I am returned records for the day before the date specified (ie 20190525 
> gives me all records for 24 May 2019 not 25 May 2019), again each record 
> contains an epoch timestamp but the timestamp is for the previous day Ie 24 
> May 2019. I have checked a number of data records in the stations history 
> table and WU is definitely returning the midnight to midnight data for the 
> day before. I have confirmed this behaviour with a number of stations both 
> east and west of Greenwich.
> I don't think there is a local/UTC time issue, I think WU is having some 
> implementation issues and for stations west of Greenwich they are returning 
> the wrong day of data.

Thanks, Gary!  This was all very helpful.
In addition to what you've described across the east vs west of GMT, I get 
similar behavior if I am within X hours of my local UTC offset when querying my 
own station.
Last night as soon as localtime rolled over midnight, the queries for the 
previous day were correct.


> Gary

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