OK, focus on Setup 2 but let me just remind that the issue is the weewx 
doesn't output maxSolarRad.

I have a conditions.html file (generated by weewx every minute) with few 
entries; e.g.: radiation | maxSolarRad | sunrise | sunset | extraTemp1 | 
Of course I use raw values so I get values only (no units). A bash script 
parses the conditions.html file every minute. Verifies it's daytime (from 
sunrise/sunset times) and calculates dT=extraTemp1-outTemp.
It then writes a dT into a simple solar.txt file that a template uses to 
update the weewx database entries. I actually write into 2 entries (just 
for now, for debugging): dT goes into extraTemp2 and dT * factor goes into 
I verified entries a minute ago and they correspond to my equations and 
current temperature conditions. All works well up to this level.
Now I need to get the maxSolarRad :-)

Dne petek, 26. julij 2019 07.56.01 UTC+2 je oseba Andrew Milner napisala:
> right - so we can forget setup 1 then since that is working with a 
> radiation field provided.
> so for setup 2 you are storing a temperature in extraTemp1 in the database 
> - correct?
> is that being populated as expected?
> where is the calculation being performed?  If in a template can you post 
> the template.
> try dT= extraTemp1.raw - outTemp.raw

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