Good point. Extended almanac is not available in Setup 2. I need to show 
$almanac.sunset to get the sun set time. In Setup 1, I get it through 
$almanac.sun.set; extended almanac works properly in Setup 1.
I use neowx skin in both setups but did modifications to it.

Dne petek, 26. julij 2019 08.14.49 UTC+2 je oseba gjr80 napisala:
> Given the maxSolarRad pre-requisites I still think we need to make sure 
> pyephem is not somehow causing the calculation to be aborted (and set to 
> None as a result). Is WeeWX producing the Standard or Seasons skin? If so 
> is it publicly visible or are the extended sun properties (elevation, 
> azimuth, right ascension, declination etc) being populated (note on the 
> Seasons skin you need to click on ‘Celestial’ to see them)? 
> Gary

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