Switch again?!?

Having intermittent data difficulties as the following pic:

At first, as maxSolarRad also shows intermittent, thought RPi to be at 
fault (even thinking try to keep RPi clean without much processing 
interference other than WeeWX, MQTT and driver).

Later, after much troubleshooting (which was not easy as there was not 
clear pattern), it seems that the problem actually related to ObserverIP 
itself. The following is an excerpt from ObserverIP firmware page (old 

Some users have reported conditions where their ObserverIP has become 
totally, or partially unresponsive (or very slow) to requests for web pages 
by either a browser, or secondary device (such as WeatherBridge or 
MeteoBridge, or computer running software that “interrogates” the 
ObserverIP web pages). In all cases the problem would occur somewhat 
unpredictably, and was seen as frequent as once a week, but most often less 
frequently. The problem manifests as web page timeouts, seen by a browser 
user or by a secondary device or software. Sometimes the problem is 
transient, sometimes it is (semi) permanent. To recover, the only solution 
is a “cold restart” which can be affected by removing power from the 
ObserverIP for 5 seconds, or by pressing the reset button located on the 
rear of the ObserverIP.


This was said to be solved, but apparently (and as posted in other forums), 
that actually NOT. Upon On/Off of ObserverIP, things seems get back 
"normal" till ObserverIP gets "overwhelm" once again... and another On/Off. 
Some reported this to be a week turn-around...

I'm not willing to get to this struggle... neither around device all time 
(and don't need this "pet"). So, while running Ok after latest On/Off, 
still under "return" timeframe and WS-1550-IP is on the edge.

As I'm still not in Davis budget commitment, now considering WeatherFlow:


Any feedback regarding WeatherFlow & WeeWX experience?


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