Hi Sean,

I don't have access to one of these anemometers but if it is a regular cups
anemometer, they are quite simple devices. They have a magnet that
activates a reed sensor at every turn, some of them twice per rotation. If
that's the case, you will only need two of the wires in the connector one
connected to ground and the other one to an input pin in the Pi that will
be use to count the clicks, the other info you'll need is the diameter of
the anemometer and a calibration factor that might come or not in the
device's technical reference.

But then again, I don't have access to one of those to examine it. If you
can get a hold of any documentation about it I could take a look. If you
have access to one, I would use a multimeter on the continuity test setting
and try the pins on the rj11 in pairs while the device is turning, if you
hear the beeps as it turns you can easily make it work with the driver I
wrote and you would have found the 2 needed pins.


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