
Regards your daemon problem, have you been able to run WeeWX directly 
<http://weewx.com/docs/usersguide.htm#Running_directly>? If not then you 
need to address that first, otherwise the best place to start is by posting 
the log from when WeeWX attempts to start. Have a look at the Help! Posting 
to weewx user 
<https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/Help!-Posting-to-weewx-user> in the 


On Friday, 20 September 2019 07:29:02 UTC+10, Lodewyk Jansen wrote:
> Hi,
> After installing the WeeWX (via python) and following the instruction to 
> run the program in daemon - it doesn't want to start after a reboot. 
> 1) Any suggestions on what i should change and where? 
> 2) ....something a bit more off topic - is it possible to ensure that the 
> raspberry pi will not go into sleep mode? (i had the pi powered on and 
> running python (manually) overnight. when i got back and plugged in my 
> screen it stayed blank - the LED light was on (Red). I am just not sure why 
> the screen didn't go on...)
> Please bare in mind that my python skills is basic and i am just starting 
> with everything - so i am guessing the fix might be something short and 
> easy. 
> Thanks in advance for your replies and help on this. 

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