On Saturday, September 14, 2019 at 5:35:45 AM UTC-7, Sean Jahnig wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new here so if this has been answered before, please just direct me to 
> the article.
> I am fairly IT competent but i am not a coder. However, i can read through 
> tutorials and hack my way most the time.
> *A bit of background:*
> I am a surfer and kitesurfer and i live in the UAE. We do not have as much 
> wind and waves as other countries, but if you watch the weather closely and 
> make good, informed decisions - you can can get some nice ocean conditions 
> here for surfing and kitesurfing... and it usually disappears as quickly as 
> it arrives so timing is key. Following the charts and being informed is 
> tricky business because there are not many accurate forecasting websites or 
> stations. Firstly, knowing that the wind/waves is coming is not accurate, 
> and secondly knowing if it has arrived is not accurate. Being informed can 
> really save long drives etc. so what i'm really hoping to do is to build an 
> affordable little station that i can install at a few locations in order to 
> monitor live wind (via windguru) and wave conditions (twitch, streaming).
> At our local kite surfing spot i have setup a wind meter and a webcam but 
> it is not an efficient solution. We are currently using a full weather 
> station and a separate mac mini just for handling the web cam stream. It is 
> not an efficient or affordable solution. You can see the wind meter here: 
> https://www.windguru.cz/station/1083 and the webcam here: 
> https://www.twitch.tv/kitebeachcenteruaq ... What i am really hoping to 
> do is build something smaller and cheaper that can achieve the same thing - 
> and also in a smaller package like a waterproof box so that i can approach 
> hotels and use a small footprint (and their internet) to have a little 
> station to monitor the wind and waves at their condition.
> I have been doing a lot of reading and i do believe the rasberry pi has 
> all the functionality i need. It is just the exact process of getting 
> everything to talk to each other that i need some help with. Also, because 
> i am funding this myself i really need to try and keep the cost down. I 
> only need an anemometer for wind speed and direction + a 1080p weather 
> proof outdoor camera. Nothing else.
> In my head, this is how i imagine it will work:
>    1. Buy an anemometer like - Davis Instruments 6410 
>    https://amzn.to/2kBgCTh
>    2. Buy a 1080p camera, whether usb or ethernet. It just need to be 
>    weatherproof and compatible
>    3. Buy Rasberry pi and load weewx which will talk to windguru
>    4. Setup the Rasberry pi with something like https://www.noip.com/ so 
>    that i can access it remotely for maintenance
> Questions i have:
>    1. Can i buy only the anemometer above and connect it into the 
>    rasberry pi (about $120) ? or do i need to invest in the whole station 
>    (about $600) in order to have it readable by the rasberry pi ?
>    2. Is anyone successfully streaming a webcam via twitch using a 
>    rasberry pi? (ref - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ob-V1xI7c8I)
> Appreciate anything that can be added to my project.
> Thanks,
> Sean.

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