On Tuesday, January 14, 2020 at 11:26:35 AM UTC-8, Paul Robson wrote:
> I have weewx installed on a RasPi 1 running the HP1000 driver connecting 
> to the station on WiFi. The archive retrieval is taking about 10 
> seconds/record (it takes 24hrs to upload 5 days of records). Database is a 
> remote MySQL as the intention is to process the data off-site and ensure 
> good backup.
> As we have 2 years of archive is there any way to speed this up? 
> Short term I could connect a laptop but would this query the station any 
> quicker?
> Is there a way to download and process all the records in bulk rather than 
> one at a time?
Nothing substitutes for 'get yourself a real computer' :-)

Just as a point of reference, I compiled python3 on my ancient Seagate 
Dockstar (aka pogoplug) and it took 4 hours to run 'make test'.  On a pi4 
it took 7 minutes.

Spend the 50 bucks.  You'll be glad you did.

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