* On 2021 11 Jan 16:09 -0600, Tom Keffer wrote:
> If you're concerned about the distance to the airport, you can take your
> console to the airport --- it's battery powered.

Well, that seems like a novel idea!  :-)

Wouldn't doing so take a few hours?  The Davis literature appears to
suggest so.

> In addition to my Vantage, I have a precision barometer that I use for
> sailing (±0.25 hPa precision). I've calibrated it against the Portland
> airport, which is very close to sea level, then brought it home, and
> calibrated my Davis consoles.

My guess is that's not cheap.  Funny how these rabbit holes seem to
swallow excess cash!

> The onboard barometer of an iPhone is also surprisingly accurate. Use
> the Starpath
> app <https://www.starpath.com/marinebarometer/about.htm> to calibrate it
> near an airport, then bring it home.

No iPhone, but I have a couple of Android 10 phones.

> There are lots of approaches. Best to do all of the above, then
> triangulate the results.

Interesting thoughts, Tom.

- Nate


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