Your little test page is still being interpreted by Chrome as being encoded
in "windows-1252". Try including a meta tag for the encoding:

<html lang="en">
    <title> test page </title>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">

On Fri, Aug 25, 2023 at 6:08 PM vince <> wrote:

> No joy.
> Try "test.html" now for a far simpler variant.
> It'll take a few minutes for the rsync to update the public version.
> Here's the page source.
> <html lang="en">
>   <head>
>   <title> test page </title>
>   </head>
>   <body>
>           <table>
>             <tbody>
>               <tr>
>                 <td class="stats_label">AQI (current)</td>
>                 <td class="stats_data">80.5</td>
>               </tr>
>               <tr>
>                 <td class="stats_label">AQI (last hour)</td>
>                 <td class="stats_data">72.25</td>
>               </tr>
>               <tr>
>                 <td class="stats_label">AQI (last day)</td>
>                 <td class="stats_data">76.80139372822299</td>
>               </tr>
>               <tr>
>                 <td class="stats_label">pm2_5_cf_1</td>
>                 <td class="stats_data">25.960
>  &#194;&#181;g/m&#194;&#179;</td>
>               </tr>
>             </tbody>
>           </table>
>    </body>
> </html>
> On Friday, August 25, 2023 at 5:32:28 PM UTC-7 Tom Keffer wrote:
>> The problem is the 'xmlns' declaration in your <html> tag. It is causing
>> metadata to be pulled in, which says that the character set is
>> "windows-1252".
>> Change this
>> *<html xmlns="
>> <>">  <head
>> profile="
>> <>">*
>> to this
>> *<html lang="en">*
>> *  <head>*
>> and I think your troubles will go away.
>> -tk
>> On Fri, Aug 25, 2023 at 4:29 PM Greg from Oz <> wrote:
>>> I am in Australia and
>>> works. So the Australian geo block is working OK.
>>> [image: Screenshot from 2023-08-26 09-25-36.png]
>>> On Saturday, 26 August 2023 at 09:10:00 UTC+10 Tom Keffer wrote:
>>>> Both the template and the skin configuration look fine.
>>>> Despite being just down the road from you, I am unable to connect to
>>>> your webserver.
>>>> On Thu, Aug 24, 2023 at 5:15 PM vince <> wrote:
>>>>> URL that rsync uploads to is
>>>>> - this will not be
>>>>> available unless you're in US/CA/AU probably due to some geoip blocking
>>>>> that I have set up on the ISP side to try to limit how many bots bang on
>>>>> the site.
>>>>> Same thing happens on chrome on mac os and iphone as well as Safari on
>>>>> mac os.   The weewx host is a current RaspiOS pi4.   Adding the
>>>>> encoding=utf_8 line didn't help, unfortunately.  The encoding was
>>>>> previously set to html_entities in skin.conf
>>>>> I've attached the .tmpl file and skin.conf for the skin in case there
>>>>> are obvious errors therein.  FWIW the skin is kinda ancient so it's
>>>>> possible I missed adding something along the way.
>>>>> On Thursday, August 24, 2023 at 3:58:44 PM UTC-7 Tom Keffer wrote:
>>>>>> Internal to WeeWX, the label microgram_per_meter_cubed is encoded in
>>>>>> Unicode. To be included in a template, it has to be converted to an
>>>>>> appropriate byte string using an encoding. By default, the Seasons
>>>>>> templates use html entities to do this encoding. The results will be in
>>>>>> simple ASCII.
>>>>>> Note: this is *separate* from the encoding used by the templates
>>>>>> themselves, which is generally UTF-8. This is what you're setting with 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> #encoding directive. This is useful if one were to include UTF-8 
>>>>>> characters *directly
>>>>>> in the templates themselves*. But, that's not what's happening here.
>>>>>> The html entity encoding for the cube symbol is either "&sup3;", or
>>>>>> "&#179;". For whatever reason, your Python installation is choosing the
>>>>>> latter, which your browser does not seem to be capable of interpreting as
>>>>>> the cube symbol. I've seen this happen when the file suffix is ".txt", 
>>>>>> but
>>>>>> yours is ".html" (check!).
>>>>>> It may be a browser specific thing. What browser are you using?
>>>>>> Perhaps you can point us to the page?
>>>>>> One thing you can try is another encoding besides html entities. For
>>>>>> example, utf-8.
>>>>>> *[CheetahGenerator]*
>>>>>> *  encoding=utf_8 *
>>>>>> On Thu, Aug 24, 2023 at 3:30 PM vince <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Thanks.  No joy.
>>>>>>> Added to top of the file under the echo line ala...
>>>>>>> ## Copyright 2009-2018 Tom Keffer, Matthew Wall
>>>>>>> ## Distributed under terms of GPLv3.  See LICENSE.txt for your
>>>>>>> rights.
>>>>>>> #errorCatcher Echo
>>>>>>> #encoding UTF-8
>>>>>>> #set $periods = $to_list($DisplayOptions.get('periods', ['day',
>>>>>>> 'week', 'month', 'year']))
>>>>>>> #set $plot_groups = $to_list($DisplayOptions.get('plot_groups',
>>>>>>> ['tempdew', 'wind', 'rain']))
>>>>>>> ## use this span to determine whether there are any data to consider.
>>>>>>> #set $recent=$span($day_delta=30, boundary='midnight')
>>>>>>> <!DOCTYPE html>
>>>>>>> <html lang="$lang">
>>>>>>>   <head>
>>>>>>>     <meta charset="UTF-8">
>>>>>>>     <title>$station.location</title>
>>>>>>>     <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="favicon.ico" />
>>>>>>>     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="seasons.css"/>
>>>>>>>     #if $station.station_url
>>>>>>>     <link rel="canonical" href="$station.station_url/$filename" />
>>>>>>>     #end if
>>>>>>>     <script src="seasons.js"></script>
>>>>>>>   </head>
>>>>>>>   <body onload="setup();">
>>>>>>>     #include ""
>>>>>>> And appended the AQI line to the footer to make it easier for me to
>>>>>>> find during testing...
>>>>>>>     <p class="footnote">
>>>>>>>       $gettext("This station is controlled by <a href='
>>>>>>>'>WeeWX</a>, an experimental weather software
>>>>>>> system written in Python.")
>>>>>>>       AQI:
>>>>>>> $latest('purpleair_binding').aqi2_5.format(format_string="%.0f")
>>>>>>>  ($latest('purpleair_binding').pm2_5_cf_1.format(format_string="%.1f"))
>>>>>>> Result looks like:
>>>>>>>       This station is controlled by WeeWX <>, an
>>>>>>> experimental weather software system written in Python. AQI: 64 (17.9
>>>>>>> µg/m³)
>>>>>>> Output in the .html is:
>>>>>>>    <p class="footnote">
>>>>>>>       This station is controlled by <a 
>>>>>>> href=''>WeeWX</a>,
>>>>>>> an experimental weather software system written in Python.
>>>>>>> AQI: 64    (17.9 &#194;&#181;g/m&#194;&#179;)
>>>>>>> On Thursday, August 24, 2023 at 3:16:01 PM UTC-7 gjr80 wrote:
>>>>>>>> I notice the Seasons index.html.tmpl does not have a #encoding
>>>>>>>> directive (though the other Seasons .html.tmpl files do). Have you
>>>>>>>> tried adding a #encoding directive à la:
>>>>>>>> #errorCatcher Echo #encoding UTF-8 <!DOCTYPE html>
>>>>>>>> Gary
>>>>>>>> On Friday, 25 August 2023 at 07:19:12 UTC+10 vince wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Well I can't explain it at all.  I appended the same .tmpl line at
>>>>>>>>> the bottom of index.html.tmpl for the Seasons skin (trusting Tom gets 
>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>> stuff correctly) and I still see funny encoding in Safari + Chrome 
>>>>>>>>> (mac)
>>>>>>>>> and in Chrome (iphone).   I can only guess it has something to do 
>>>>>>>>> with the
>>>>>>>>> locale or i18n settings on the pi4 that weewx is running on, but I'm 
>>>>>>>>> just
>>>>>>>>> guessing completely at this point.
>>>>>>>>> On Thursday, August 24, 2023 at 12:54:21 PM UTC-7 Karen K wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Unfortunately the greek my character and the cubic symbol are not
>>>>>>>>>> US-ASCII. So they have the 8th bit set. There are different methods 
>>>>>>>>>> to do
>>>>>>>>>> that. The older one is ISO 8859, where one byte is always one 
>>>>>>>>>> character.
>>>>>>>>>> The newer one is UTF-8 where one character can be 1, 2 or even more 
>>>>>>>>>> bytes.
>>>>>>>>>> So if you have an UTF-8 character, containing of 2 bytes interpreted 
>>>>>>>>>> as ISO
>>>>>>>>>> 8859, you see 2 characters instead of the one you want to see.
>>>>>>>>>> So the question is: What does the browser think about the
>>>>>>>>>> character set? And what character set is used for Cheetah?
>>>>>>>>>> See the first line of the templates *.html.tmpl. There is a line
>>>>>>>>>> beginning with #encoding followed by the name of a character set. 
>>>>>>>>>> That name
>>>>>>>>>> must match the character set you used to save the file.
>>>>>>>>>> Then there may be a line <meta charset="UTF-8" /> (or ISO-8859-1
>>>>>>>>>> instead of UTF-8).
>>>>>>>>>> Then, in skin.conf there may be lines "encoding = ...". What do
>>>>>>>>>> they say?
>>>>>>>>>> Make sure, all the encoding directives match your file's encoding.
>>>>>>>>>> vince schrieb am Donnerstag, 24. August 2023 um 21:29:46 UTC+2:
>>>>>>>>>>> I have absolutely no idea what you just said.  Sorry - US ASCII
>>>>>>>>>>> person here :-)
>>>>>>>>>>> View source shows
>>>>>>>>>>> AQI: 56    (14.6 &#194;&#181;g/m&#194;&#179;)
>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>> matches up (circumflex accent and micro symbol) but I have no idea 
>>>>>>>>>>> what to
>>>>>>>>>>> do about it.
>>>>>>>>>>> --
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>>>> --
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>> --
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