Julien Gilli wrote:

It makes a lot of sense to me. Actually, I think WengoPhone could (i mean *could*) be a fully XUL app that would be loaded inside a XUL capable application (e.g Firefox) from any URI. Updates would be, as you say above, more transparent then.

I tend to disagree quite strongly...

If you architecture your app to be a remote-over-the-web app, you add a
network dependency layer. I mean that a VoIP call relies for the time
being solely on the availability of (a) the network (b) your SIP platform.
If you also need http to load remote XUL, then you add a new danger: web
server unavailability.

Furthermore, there are technical issues behind remote XUL because it's not
in the same security space the chrome XUL is living in.

Firefox has a mechanism for that and that's called "extensions". Extensions
are chrome XUL/JS/CSS added to the browser's chrome itself. There's a quite
simple update mechanism for extensions. It can automated in Firefox so every
time you launch it, Firefox tests if there's a new version available; if such
a new extension is available, the user can download it immediately.
Just what you need, IMHO...


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