Le mardi 23 janvier 2007 à 20:03 +0100, Jerome WAGNER a écrit :
> Hello Didier,
> >(debug) 18:07:01 static std::list<AudioDevice,
> >std::allocator<AudioDevice> > AudioDeviceManager::getOutputDeviceList():
> >output device found=(default) /dev/dsp OSS
> Means that the GUI is binded on OSS.

Ok, I see, it's disturbing to initialize all the devices type at once.

> Do you have DBG_DYNA_AUDIO_DRV logs when you start a call ? They should
> mention the usage of the ALSA backend because of the FORCE_xxx thing.

The tests with portaudio works with a call, not a very good sound at all
but it work. With the Alsa backend I've no sound and the log is:

 registering audio driver of kind "alsa" ...
 ...registration ok
 registering audio driver of kind "pa" ...
 ...registration ok
 registering audio driver of kind "null" ...
 ...registration ok
 registering audio driver of kind "file" ...
 ...registration ok
 alsa_stream_open: (name: pa:IN=0 OUT=0, rate: 16000, framesize: 640)
 alsa_dev_open: (name: pa:IN=0 OUT=0, rate: 16000, framesize: 320)
 unable to open <pa:IN=0 OUT=0> pcm device: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce 
 alsa_stream_open: (name: pa:IN=0 OUT=0, rate: 16000, framesize: 640)
 alsa_dev_open: (name: pa:IN=0 OUT=0, rate: 16000, framesize: 320)
 unable to open <pa:IN=0 OUT=0> pcm device: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce 

It's a problem in the name of the device, I've used "alsa: in=0 out=0"
in the variable PH_FORCE_AUDIO_DEVICE but the result is a mix between
initialization of Alsa with portaudio parameters.

In a gdb session I see that the deviceId is picked from a phcfg

ph_msession_start(s, phcfg.audio_dev) in wifo/phapi/phapi-old.c:3395

I think in this context of forcing the device driver it's a bug :)

I've tried the attached patch but it's just a step further, the
phlogger.log contain :

 alsa_stream_open: (name: alsa: in=0 out=0, rate: 16000, framesize: 640)
 alsa_dev_open: (name: alsa: in=0 out=0, rate: 16000, framesize: 320)
 unable to open < in=0 out=0> pcm device: Aucun fichier ou répertoire de ce type

I think the change will be made in the function
select_audio_device(const char *deviceId) in phmedia-audio.c:2070

If this function return the deviceId after test the env vars, I think
the use of this vars can be more transparent for all drivers.

What do you think about this enhancement ?

Sorry for the long message and thanks for your attention.

Best regards.

Didier Link

Index: wifo/phapi/phmedia-alsa.c
--- wifo/phapi/phmedia-alsa.c    (révision 9392)
+++ wifo/phapi/phmedia-alsa.c    (copie de travail)
@@ -306,7 +306,13 @@
 int alsa_stream_open(phastream_t *as, char *name, int rate, int framesize, ph_audio_cbk cbk)
   struct alsa_dev *ad = 0;
+  char *forceDeviceId;
+  forceDeviceId = getenv("PH_FORCE_AUDIO_DEVICE");
+  if(forceDeviceId)
+         name = forceDeviceId;
   DBG_DYNA_AUDIO_DRV("alsa_stream_open: (name: %s, rate: %d, framesize: %d)\n", name, rate, framesize);
   ad = calloc(sizeof(*ad), 1);
   if (!ad)

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