Alec leamas a écrit :
With this said, it's really hard for me to see an incremental path leading from today's logging system to something which works along the lines I think we need. After all, it's kind of a refactoring, and such things can't really be done in that many steps. I *have* divided this work into three steps (one completed). OTOH, the nature of this patch is "switch backend". So there will be a quite large window where we can revert this patch if need be, and use the current system instead.

I think
- That the discussion has shown that the advantages of the patch are significant.

I see two advantages to your work:
- It's now possible to configure the logging from a configuration file.
- You can configure phapi logging in a more fine grained way.

What I don't see is why these changes couldn't have been implemented without rewriting everything.

To me using log4cxx is not really an advantage. We should keep in mind that we are writing a GUI client not a daemon. We have other ways to communicate with the users than log files.

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