
                 Summary: Wesnoth has too much right click menu items
                 Project: Battle for Wesnoth
            Submitted by: None
            Submitted on: Fr 28 Aug 2015 15:59:55 UTC
                Category: Bug
                Severity: 3 - Normal
                Priority: 5 - Normal
              Item Group: User Interface
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
        Originator Email: 
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
                 Release: 1.13.1+dev
        Operating System: windows



Wesnoths right click menu grows, and its often quiet hard to find the entry
that you need. For example in 1.13.1+dev there are 11 default menu items on
caslte hexes:
1) Terrain description
2) Add team label
3) Add label
4) Delete Label
5) Speak
6) Recruit
7) Recall
8) Planning mode
9) Next unit
10) Finish turn
11) Open command line

Additionaly there are also the Wml defined menu items So there can easily be
15 or more right click menu items.

I personally think that most of these don't make sense:
6) and 11) : I really doubt anyone uses them, they open a textbox where you
have to type text and it really doesn't make sense to open them by complicated
mouseclicks if you need the keyboard afterwards anyway.
10): There is a big blue button to finish the turn. Seems strange to have it
also in the right click menu.
9): If you use this feature you usualy use this to check for every unit
whether it still has useful moves available, so you need to use it multiple
times in a row, here again the hotkey is much more usable.
2), 3) and 4): This is sure an important feature but it would be better if it
was somehow possible to merge them into one menu item so that it doesn't take
that much space. using submenu items  is also an option.

Also a lot of these items are already accessible via the actions menu and i do
not see any advantage of having them in the right click menu if you want fast
access you can easily use the hotkey.


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