Follow-up Comment #4, bug #21891 (project wesnoth):

I'm not sure what's going on here. I just did a fresh installation of 1.10.7,
choosing 'install just for me' and save games in 'My Games', but it looks like
my save games are going into the installation directory.

Which begs the question of how Adrien got games to be saved in the Windows 7
Saved Games directory (which would be a good place to use in Windows,
actually) in the first place. If it wasn't through default 1.10.x behaviour
I'm not so sure this is a regression so much as a feature request.

I'm also using Windows 7, BTW. For the time being it looks like Wesnoth, being
cross-platform still uses 'My Games' in the OS-appropriate user directory,
whichever that happens to be.


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