Hello again, everybody.

Quick update: the current plan is to release RC3 on Nov 8 and to make this the last release candidate for real this time, with 1.12.0 to be tagged about a week later. Unfortunately, we will not be able to fix all the bugs listed last time and mentioned by others in this thread and on the forums. So here is how it looks at the moment (and this is unlikely to change unless others want to help out and take on any of these):

1. Will still be fixed:

- Multiplayer start of scenario saves are broken (bug #22068). Will be fixed one way or another, in the worst case by disabling SoS saves in MP.

- Bug #22893: Upgrade bundled Lua library to version 5.2.3

2. Might be fixed (people working on them, but not yet sure whether we will get there):

- AI side names in MP are all set to that of the host.

- Add-ons Manager Filter box and Options button too close to listbox (bug #22791). IMight simply be fixed by reverting the commit that introduced this.

3. Bugs that will not be fixed (*unless somebody steps up*):

- Bug #22206: Problems with tunnels. Unfortunately, we have nobody who has both the time and the required knowledge to get this done for 1.12.0. We want to fix it, but will have to postpone. As a small step, the Micro AI Lua error messages have been changed to appear only in debug mode.

- Complete play-through testing and fix-up of LoW in MP. There are too many issues remaining in both LoW itself and in the MP engine. I will disable the campaign in mainline before the RC3 release and add it as an add-on instead.

- Give level information in sidebar more space.

- Verify if textdomain bug reported by Dugi is reproducible, and fix if it is

4. Have been fixed (not a complete list, just those that were mentioned here):

- Compiling problems with cmake and on Pandora (Ivanovic, gfgtdf, iceiceice)

- OS X release builds don't currently work in OS X Leopard (10.5) with the new file system changes. (mattsc)

- Check out problems with 1.11.16 and later not working in Windows XP and whether they can be fixed (tested by loonycyborg and found to be working; count as fixed unless more information is provided)

- Fix upkeep icon tooltip not being displayed (fendrin)

- Legend of Wesmere: Olurf does not appear in “Elves’ Last Stand” (mattsc)

- Complete (rough) play-through testing of LoW in SP (mattsc)

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