
As many people have undoubtedly noticed, WesCamp-i18n [1] has been 
unmaintained for over a year.

    1: http://wiki.wesnoth.org/Wescamp

This is a very unfortunate situation that means that add-on translation stats 
at gettext.wesnoth.org are no longer meaningful since the few add-ons that 
have received translation updates since AI0867 stopped maintaining WesCamp-
i18n have done so through their own channels, which gettext.w.o can't know 
about since it's currently set-up to pull from the WesCamp-i18n project.

So, I think it's time that we decide what to do about this. Namely, how can we 
set up a WesCamp-i18n alternative (or gain control of the current org from 
AI0867 and possibly Espreon) and who will maintain it, and what can we do to 
avoid similar situations in the future.

(I'm not volunteering for this because I can't tend to translations and code 
at the same time.)

  Ignacio R. Morelle <shadowm>

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