After investingating this case with our system team, it turns out that this
message is retrun by our proxy server, and this in the wake of a connection
problem between the proxy and the remote ftp server we are trying to connect to
(probably an unsuccessfull connection due to a timeout).

As you anticipated it, it looks like my problem is nothing to do with the wget
utility. I think it is no use to continue investingating this avenue. However I
thank you very much for your help.


_____________________________ Forward Separator ________________________________

01/15/2001 12:09 PM

|                                                           |Return Receipt: No|
| To:   Wget mailing list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>             |Importance: Normal|
| cc:                                                       |                  |
|                                                           |                  |

SUBJECT: Re[2]: undocumented behavior of wget  (Document link: Jean ESPIAU)

Hi Jan,

thanks for your swift reponse. As the problem I described occurs randomly, I am
not in position to send you a full debug log right now. I have set the -d option
so next time the problem occurs, I can send you the log file. However, here is
an example of a log file without the debug option :

The problem ("bad gateway") happens for the second file here. From this uotput,
can you tell me if this error message comes from wget or from the system ?

ftp://*******:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:21/consensus/pacific/weekly
           => `'
Connecting to connected!
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 276,868 [application/x-zip-compressed]

    0K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 18%]
   50K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 36%]
  100K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 55%]
  150K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 73%]
  200K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 92%]
  250K -> .......... ..........                                  [100%]

07:00:47 (29.41 KB/s) - `' saved [276868/276868]

ftp://*******:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:21/consensus/uk/weekly/tcd_
           => `'
Connecting to connected!
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 502 Bad Gateway
07:00:47 ERROR 502: Bad Gateway.

ftp://*******:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:21/consensus/europe/weekly/
           => `'
Connecting to connected!
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 337,950 [application/x-zip-compressed]

    0K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 15%]
   50K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 30%]
  100K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 45%]
  150K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 60%]
  200K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 75%]
  250K -> .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... [ 90%]
  300K -> .......... .......... ..........                       [100%]

07:00:59 (29.57 KB/s) - `' saved [337950/337950]

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________

01/11/2001 09:45:28 PM GMT

Please respond to Wget mailing list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

|                                                           |Return Receipt: No|
| To:   Jean ESPIAU/eqty/fr/socgen@socgen                   |Importance: Normal|
| cc:   Wget mailing list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>             |                  |
|                                                           |                  |

SUBJECT: Re: undocumented behavior of wget


> I am using wget 1.5.3 to download 3 files every day from a remote
> ftp site (using 1 shell script containing 3 wget commands and run
> from the crontab). One of the 3 transfers fails. The failure does
> not happen every day and does not happen for the same file each
> time.
> The error message is something like :
> --23:30:26--  ftp://user:password@ftpsite:port/path/filename
>            => `filename'
> Connecting to IP_address:port... bad gateway.

I am not sure if the message "bad gateway" comes from wget (it's not
in 1.6 sources so it might be a message generated by the system).

Please, could you send us a full debug log (-d) produced when wget
stopped (anonymized so that noone can read the account names,
passwords, IPs, file names) ?  Could you also give us more details
about the system you are running wget on? Solaris? 64bit executable?
There were some problems with newver wget versions compiled on Solaris
as a 64bit executables recently.

-- jan

 Jan Prikryl        | vr|vis center for virtual reality and visualisation

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