Hello all,

I am sending this message out to report on a strange behavior of wget, about
which I haven't found anything in wget's documentation.

I am using wget 1.5.3 to download 3 files every day from a remote ftp site
(using 1 shell script containing 3 wget commands and run from the crontab). One
of the 3 transfers fails. The failure does not happen every day and does not
happen for the same file each time.

The error message is something like :

--23:30:26--  ftp://user:password@ftpsite:port/path/filename
           => `filename'
Connecting to IP_address:port... bad gateway.

As a consequence, the transfer of this file fails although the other 2 succeed
(I don't get the "bad gateway"message for the other 2) I haven't found anything
in the documentation regarding this.
I will appreciate any suggestion as to how to troubleshoot this problem.


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